Given By God The Father
Through Speaker Gerald Polley

   The Ancient One was being drawn in every direction at once!  But there were some problems that only he could handle.  He was summoned to a rather ordinary looking farm in the far west, and descended into an underground facility where a gorgeous woman sat on a throne surrounded by many attractive women and men.  The Ancient One again had the curious thought why was it vampires were always the most attractive among the human race?  He could never recollect ever seeing an ugly one.  It was little wonder they could be so seductive to the opposite sex.  The queen smiled as if sensing his thoughts.  
    "We beg your forgiveness," she began, "we know how busy you are, but we are having a problem with the wet nurses."
    The Ancient One remembered how appalled he had been when the vampires had summoned him and shown him the three children that had been born to their members, something that had never happened before.  
    "One of the children has been born by an uninfected mother and she can nurse it.  But the two of our kind have no milk.  We need help."
    "I can see that!" The Ancient One answered.  He went out and scoured the surrounding area.  He found two young women associated with gangs that had recently sold their babies but still had milk.  He persuaded them to accompany him, having to dispose of one of their boyfriends before hand.  When they learned the situation they were inclined to assist without any further persuasion.  The queen had been amazed by his ability to find the right people.  Her clearing her throat brought him back to the present.  "What happened?" he asked.
    "The ladies went shopping," the queen explained, "we let them out as much as possible.  They need the sun.  Unfortunately one of them was recognized by their old associates and followed.  Several of them visited the farmhouse thinking they were there, and we had to deal with them.  Though we took every precaution the local sheriff became aware it was us and he says it's getting too difficult to cover up our presence here, and he is asking us to move elsewhere.  We would hate to abandon this shelter.  Many of us have employment around here, and many friends.  It would be difficult to explain our disappearance.  Is there some way you could help?"
    "I see!"  The Ancient One sighed.  "I'll go talk to the sheriff.  Right now I would not want the difficulty of helping you  establish a new residence.  I simply have too much else to do, and I think your actions justified.  Do not worry about summoning me.  Your need justified it."
    He motioned to one of the young women holding the baby.  She quickly came over and The Ancient One took it.  "Well, they seem to be growing at a normal rate," he remarked.  "No sign of any genetic inheritance that is slowing their growth."  He lifted the child's lips.  Her fangs were already pronounced, "but definitely vampiric," he remarked.  "Does she bite while she's nursing?"
    "Never!" the woman answered.  "Never a scratch from any of them."
    The Ancient One spread his wings, lifted into the air, and hovered around the room a few times.  The baby giggled and laughed happily and the vampires applauded joyously.  The Ancient One landed and gave the baby back.  "School is going to be a problem," he muttered.
    "And how!" the queen agreed.  
    "I'll make that visit," The Ancient One sighed, and without another word departed.  
    A little while later he landed in the shrubbery near the sheriff's office and took on his human form.  He believed his general's uniform was appropriate.  He entered the office through the main door.  The sergeant on the desk greeted him warmly.  "Long time no see, general!" he snapped.  "No problems I hope!"
    "None, really McClarity!  Is the sheriff available?  I need a few minutes."
    The sergeant picked up the phone and punched out a number.  "Yes sir," he began. "Front desk here!  The general's here. He'd like a few minutes.  Are you available?  Yes sir."  The sergeant hung up the phone. "You know the way!" he snapped, taking out a visitor's badge and handing it to The Ancient One.  "He says come on up!"
    The Ancient One quickly made his way to the sheriff's office.  The minute he shut the door the sheriff began to speak.  "I know, I know!  It's really difficult for them to move.  I was really rather frustrated when I made the request.  It's o.k..  We've covered it up.  Some punks from the city tried to make a home invasion, ran into more than they could handle, tried to get away and wrecked their car.  They're so banged up no one would be able to tell the difference.  Coroner's cooperating, though he doesn't know why.  They really have babies?"
    The Ancient One nodded.  "Oh, my God!" the sheriff moaned.  "Well, as long as they're not causing any real trouble we'll try to keep things as they are.  Haven't had a rogue in twelve years or more.  And they took care of that one themselves.  We just had to clean up.  If anybody had ever told me when I took this job that this was going on I'd have never taken it!  Good to see you again, though!  Do I hear you might be moving to the vicinity?"
    "There's talk of it," The Ancient One answered, "but I highly doubt we'll succeed."
    "That would surprise me!"  the sheriff answered.  "I'll go out and talk to them.  But ever since my wife met that lady, she wants me nowheres near her!"
     The Ancient One laughed. "Understandable," he answered.  "I've got to be going.  Too many things to do, even when I can be two places at once there's not enough of me!"
    The sheriff nodded. "Thanks for coming by," he answered.   "It will be strange if some day you walk through that door not in that uniform and in flesh and blood."
    "Would be, wouldn't it!"  The Ancient One answered.  He quickly departed and headed home.  "That wasn't too bad!" he sighed.  "But maybe we'd better look for some other places, just in case!  No reason not to be prepared.  Damn!  School is going to be a problem, it's really going to be a problem!"


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