An Open Letter From God The Father
To The World

25-04-02 AJ

    Got one of those foolish questions that I suppose we have to answer.  It went something like "What you're saying is so much crap!  The Bible teaches there is one Kingdom and that the non believers are destroyed forever.  I can never accept what you are saying.  There are no Hindus or Buddhists in Heaven.  They are destroyed forever because they do not believe in Jesus.  The only Kingdom is Jesus' Kingdom.  You are denying Scripture."  Well, let me see.  Jesus said "In my Father's House there are many mansions.  I go there to prepare a place for you, that you may dwell with Him forever and be glorified."  Now, does this sound like He's saying His Kingdom is the only one?  There are many mansions. All that is good exists, all that is evil is destroyed.  The good dwell with me and are protected by me.  My Kingdom exists in three parts.  The Kingdom Of Israel, also called The Judeans, The Kingdom Of Jesus, also called  The Christians, and The Kingdom Of Muhammed, also called Islam.  It is one Kingdom, my people are united, they are not separate, they are brothers and sisters that work with each other for the common good of all.  Those who will not are cast out.  But there are also other Kingdoms.  I will not name them here.  I do not have time.  They call me different names but they still know I am The Father Of All, and, The Protector Of All. But some who teach the corruption of Christianity make my Kingdom so petty, so small and insignificant, each sect believes that they are the only ones in Heaven, and everyone else is destroyed.  Can't anyone see the sickness here, the jealousy and the hatred?  Some are so locked in this belief that they will destroy the entire world rather than have it exposed as falsity.  They have to be all that there is or they will allow nothing to exist.  They are destroying the world.  They feed the creatures of Darkness that are lust and greed.  Their sickness is beyond understanding. 
    I'm asked again to explain exactly what I am.  I am the Spiritual Force that created the natural life on Earth.  I am the combined essence of the five male souls that danced The Dance Of Life here and brought it into existence on this world.  Along with my Consort who is the combined essence of the five females that danced The Dance Of Life, I have guided the development of life on this world and protected it, and, continue to protect it.  It is said I have all knowledge, which isn't quite true.  I still enjoy some mysteries!  And a few things still perplex me.  But I can see the future.  I know when my children are going the wrong way and will destroy themselves.  I will do all in my power to lead them back to the path that will give them immortality and take them to the stars.  I could destroy all life on Earth in 24 hours.  But it is not what I want to do.  I want my children to survive.  It is not my goal to destroy them.  It is my goal to nurture and protect them.  But I cannot and I will not tolerate evil no matter how popular it is. It is simply not my way.  But this is what I am.  And I can never change.  I can never be convinced to let evil have it's way, no matter how much some want it. 
    On to other things!  Again, I have had to put people out of my Kingdom because they have come to me and said "Lord, please accept that Barack Obama is a citizen of The United States and legally president.  Even if there is some question of it, think of the good he is doing, how much the people of color will be hurt if he is put out of office.  Do not destroy what they have sought so long."  "Have I not told you," I asked them, "that I cannot tolerate deceit, that to us truth is everything?  No matter how much The Democrats lie this man was not born in The United States.  His own father has told me this and swears to it, that he insisted that he be born in his homeland, and that he was born in his homeland, therefore he could not be a citizen of The United States.  I believe what I have been told.  What good is he doing? He is murdering innocent women and children trying to force his programs on the people in The United States.  You may think this is acceptable, you may think this is allowable, I do not.  As you do not support me leave my Kingdom.  There is no place for you here. You are abominations!  You do not believe in the truth, you believe in any lie to favor your cause.  I will not have you.  I state clearly and without question I do not believe Barack Obama is a citizen of The United States.  I believe any evidence put forth claiming that he is is false.  There is no evidence that The Democrats could bring forward that would change my opinion.  I believe what I have been told.  And that is the end of it!  I declare without question that any person in my Kingdom that claims Barack Obama is a citizen of The United States will be put out of my Kingdom immediately and, forever.  I will not sentence them to eternal death, I will let them go someplace else and abide with others and go to the stars if they so desire.  If they wish to go into the Darkness and accept eternal death that is their choice.  If they choose to destroy themselves that is their decision, but I will not.  Now, I have spoken.  There is no further discussion on the matter.  Any that will not accept stand against me and are now forever separate from me.  There is no middle ground, no alternative!  Any that say Barack Obama is a citizen of The United States will not enter my Kingdom.  I have spoken!"
    I am begged to protect The Royal Wedding in England, to do all in my power to see that no harm comes to those that will be taking part in it.  As much as I would like I cannot.  Everyone involved in these festivities have chosen to separate themselves from me because they are allowing the brutality in Libya and interfering with my efforts to bring it under control.  They are defying me.  They are trying to destroy my power.  They say the power of man is greater.  Therefore, I cannot protect them.  Because they have rejected me.  The mother of the groom has begged him to withdraw from the ceremonies, not to honor England while it is behaving dishonorably.  If he will not fulfill her wishes I can do nothing on the matter.  She has asked me not to intercede, to let what will happen happen.  As she is a faithful servant I must obey her wishes.  That is all I will say on the matter because no more can be said.
    Here's an interesting question!  Do I know where the next Lord Of Light is in India? Of course I do!  I know exactly where she is!  She is the individual that my servant needs as a courier/protector.  Though she is young she is the reincarnation of a goddess and has great power.  She is already beloved by the people.  I wish so much the people of India would help my servant raise the funds so he could invite her to come and serve.  India also has a Light Bearer that could serve Sarah and be part of the glory that would be the restoration of Christianity.  If The Hindus aide in this task they will become almost as glorified as The Muslims would be!  Just as Chairman Mao wants a daughter from China living in The White House and protecting the world, so do the great leaders of India want a daughter of India to be one of my servant's children and empower him to defeat the creatures of Darkness, to show the world that The Hindu Faith is not an inferior, that it is just as powerful as Christianity or any other faith.  That they call them divine gods instead of saints does not make them any less powerful.  All the religious leaders of all the Kingdoms want their daughters to fulfill their glory and to break the power that enslaves them.  Those men who are trying to stop us had best beware.  They are outnumbered and, outgunned!  
    Again, I have received the hateful comment that there has to be somebody better than Gadhafi, better than his family!  "You can't be serious, they cannot have the power that you describe. They cannot be so important. Others must be able to do this task.  Surely The Pope is not as damned as you say he is.  Look at his goodness!"  I cannot look at his goodness because it is buried by his evil.  People said the same things about Hitler, about Napoleon, about the emperors of Rome.  I do not say that Gadhafi is perfect.  Even my servant admits that he is not perfect.  He says there was only one perfect man in the world and they nailed Him to  a tree.  So he will not seek perfection.  But Gadhafi would be a glorious symbol of my redemption, about my ability to bring those back to The Light who have wandered into the Darkness.  And that is just why certain people in Christianity do not want me to succeed.  They want it believed that only their way leads to salvation, that only their truth matters. They cannot accept that there are other ways.  And that is destroying them, and, destroying the world.  I need Gadhafi to prove them wrong and save the world.  And that is why I will do all in my power to defeat those attacking him, to crush them and humiliate them and to show the world what they are.  Those that think they are great and think they are wonderful will have to understand that I see them for what they are, corrupt and defiled.  Pope John Paul II leads my efforts against The Catholic Church because he feels they have betrayed him.  The very one they praise the most is doing all in his power to bring them down!  That should make people understand how corrupt they are.  If they will accept my reforms, this pope could rise to greatness.  He could go to the stars.  But instead he will fade away to nothing because  he has to protect those in the Church that were sodomizing children.  He allows cardinals to serve that he knows are abominations.  He will not put them out.  And therefore he is separated from me forever, and that is the end of it.  And that's all for today.  We keep having to repeat things because people simply won't listen. They want their own way.  They want their perverted leaders because they believe they will enrich them.  I will not have them.  I will not accept them.  They will never enter my Kingdom! 
    Well, thought that was the end of it!  Found a message from an old friend asking if Michael Jackson was right in his belief that he was the reincarnation of King Tut.  Well, he was a pharaoh but not Tut.  He tried to change things, tried to have just one God.   His people didn't go for it very well and after his death returned to the old ways.  Right idea, just wrong pharaoh.  Michael is disappointed that he didn't get together with Donald Trump and work on restoring the pyramids and other ancient sites in Egypt including his capital.  But if my servant succeeds these projects have a good possibility of going forward.
He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

    You can contact my servant Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and