An Open Letter From God The Father
To The World
02-05-02 AJ
are having a very serious problem in my Kingdom with the rage of those
that dwell There against their people in the material world. We
are struggling each day to keep them from abandoning their
children. Again the Leaders of The Islamic Paradise have come to
me and asked that I send the ship home that is supposed to bring
Muhammed back. Sadly my servant agrees. The murder of
Gadhafi's son and his grandchildren by Obama has shown that The Islamic
Nations will not stand for their own. That anyone accepts a lie
that this is a humanitarian effort when the coalition is targeting
women and children for execution shows their utter hypocracy.
Obama is a war criminal. He is ordering the execution of the
families of the sovereign leader of another nation. He should be
Sadly, though the commander of
the ship pleads for more time to get The Islamic People to respond my
servant has run out of patience and has told him to depart. The
next rotation of ships in the blockade protecting Earth is in ten
days. At that time the ship is to leave. It is to carry the
message to Muhammed that it is senseless for him to return. There
are no longer any Islamic Nations. Those people that once
followed him now follow Obama, are now his slaves. There is no
one left for him to rule any more. The Islamic Leaders fear that
the missiles from the next drone will land on their house, and they
cower before the tyrants in Europe and America. They will not
rally to my servant. They will not accept the truth. They
prefer those that murder women and children. We can simply do no
more. But we will continue to speak out, though my servant will
still campaign for the Presidency and try to win the people back, we
fear The Middle East is lost to us, Islam is gone. Its people
will not answer me. They prefer their hate and they are turning
Those in The Afterlife against them.
Ironically their spiritual warriors still support us and still give us
victory! But their leaders in the material world ignore their
triumphs and become the slaves of the Americans, the British and, the
French. Though they have the power to stand up and say no, they
will not use it. They were our best hope. But now there is
little hope. If we could've brought back Muhammed we could've
done wonders. We could've shook the world, and The People Of
Islam would've been glorified forever. But now that has
passed. They have chosen to be like The Christians and forsake
their Prophet, forsake their teachings for material wealth.
I have welcomed Gadhafi's son to my Kingdom, and I have given him
temporary rule of The Islamic Paradise until such time as his father
joins him. Then I will give his father full and complete
authority for as long as Islam exists. It will be by his word
rather or not anyone enters Paradise. As Muhammed was, he will be the
judge over all of Islam. Because Islam betrayed him, because
Islam failed him, I give him domination over it, as Muhammed will not
return. I ask The Islamic People of the world to make everyone
aware of this. Some will say I have no right to do this. I
am The Lord Of Hosts, The Creator Of This World, its Father and its
Protector. I have the right to do what I will. Any who
question that right will not enter my Kingdom, no matter how blessed
they think they are. I am The Ruler Of Earth. I give the
earthly leaders dominion when they follow my rules. When they do
not I take that dominion away. That is my right. That is my
glory. My servant's people recognize that right. They will
not challenge it. What I tell my servant to say he will
say. What those who rightly serve me ask him to say, he will say,
rather it is popular or unpopular. I am his master. I am
not his Lord. But I am his master by the greatest of all bonds,
by deep and abiding friendship, by deep and abiding trust between each
other, between the one who is served and the one who serves. That
is why we have stood together for so long and will stand together
forever. For even if my world dies, my servant will see to it
that I am taken to another one, and that I will have a people there
that will not betray me, as Jesus and Muhammed will have a people.
Within twelve months Muhammed and his wife
will have physical forms. They will be dwelling among their
people as living gods, as Jesus and Mary Magdalene are now living among
their people. The bond will be made eternal, and they will never
be able to return. This is the price that those who have
cooperated with Obama and betrayed their people have paid. They
have given their Prophet to another people who will be loyal to him
forever. Now there is no turning back. There is no
possibility that The Islamic People would rise up before the ship
leaves and stop the attacks in Libya. They do not have the
courage to stand against France and The United States. They have
chosen to abandon their Prophet, and that is the end of it.
It is very disappointing that my servant cannot get his computer going
in these terrible times. He downloaded the McAfee components from
six in the morning to eleven yesterday. The anti virus got up to
21% and then dropped back to zero. Though he was still online it
is obvious that the McAfee simply is useless, that it will not load on
dial up. This is a bitter disappointment! We can do very
little work without that computer. Those who are destroying the
world have millions. They have computer systems that can do just
about anything. But those who are trying to save it have
nothing. It shows the sadness of the situation.
But we are fighters, and we will keep trying. My truth will
continue to be spoken, though The Democrats and many Republicans hate
it. Those who follow me will continue to cry out my
warnings. Some day The Islamic Nations will cry "Why didn't we
listen?" and we will answer "We don't know!"
He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever
You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and