An Open Letter From God The Father
To The World

17-04-02 AJ

    Below is an offer I made to the French but that my servant didn't get to put out yesterday because he was very ill and by himself, unable to do anything. Unfortunately this caused a major rebellion in my Kingdom.  A group of prominent French men from many eras came to me, and their spokesman was a well known Cardinal.  He said "Our Father, it is fortunate that your servant was sick and could not send out this message because the men of France forbid it. They do not want you to put a woman in dominance over one of their leaders. It is totally and completely unacceptable!  Women cannot be dominant over men!  This is Your teaching, this is Your way!  We have defended it for untold ages and defended The Church in this righteous teaching, that men are dominant.  You cannot put a woman in dominance over a man, especially a wife!  We will not allow this. You must not do this!" And I answered "I have sent out a decree.  In my Kingdom my laws are absolute, my decrees are absolute!  What I say is absolute!  It is time to stop the teaching that men are superior.  Male and female are equal, each have gifts that enable them to serve me to the best of their abilities. And this idea that one gender is dominant and needs to rule the other one must be stopped because it is causing abuse to my daughters!"
    "No, Lord!" the Cardinal answered "No, it is not so.  Men are superior.  Men are superior in every way, in every bit of society they are the leaders, and women should not be put over them!  This idea of having these young women with so much power is totally against everything that we believe in!  We are Your servants, but we want to be heard. We want our opinion to be listened to. It used to be the case, but now you will not listen to us at all."  I answered "I do not listen to you because of the corruption in your souls, because of the very things that you are saying now! I have given a Decree, I have given an order. Women are to be given equality. If you cannot accept that very well!  Get out of my Kingdom!  Angelic Guard, take all of these individuals and throw them out of my Kingdom!  They are banished from my Kingdom forever. They may never, ever return, any of them, under any circumstances! I pray that my servant can reach them and give them eternal life, but I am done with them! Put them out!"  
    This constant rebellion in my own Kingdom against my Decrees, and fighting my desires is dooming the human race. We do not know how to stop it.  We are trying so hard to make these ignorant men understand that it is time for change!  But they are lost in their desire to be dominant, and I will not allow it.  Again, here is the message that they so despised, and feared.
    I have made it known when my servant becomes president he will boycott products from France. None of them will be used in The White House and he will encourage people across the country not to buy any French products or to travel to France.  He may even put a penalty on people that travel to France.  I am asked for mercy.  People are saying "Please, Lord, the majority of The French do not like what they're doing in Libya.  But they are afraid to stand against the government.  Well, their fear will destroy them forever.  However, I will put forth a proposal.  If the president of France's wife should leave him, denounce the war, come to The United States and campaign against it with my servant, help my servant raise funds for the courier/protector program, and the Palestinian homeland outside of Israel, not only will I not boycott France during my servant's presidency, but in a thousand years I will give her power and glory equal to my own, and a world in the stars to rule over as I rule over the Earth, especially for the people of France.  If people stand with me I will support them.  But they have to stand with me, they have to make a stand.  And if in time this president denounces what he has done in Libya, and accepts exile for the rest of his life in The United States, I will let his wife take him with her to the stars. I will give him eternal life. And through her those in France that have rejected me will have eternal life also. They may call upon her for their salvation. This is the offer I make to the people of France, if their First Lady has the courage to accept it.
    Well, I have lost more of my children.  Here are the emails that have separated them from me forever.  

<>: host[] said: 550 5.7.1
Message rejected as spam by Content Filtering. (in reply to end of DATA command)

<>: host[] said: 550
5.7.1 Message rejected as spam by Content Filtering. (in reply to end of
DATA command)

    Now, some people are saying "Lord, please!  These are automatic systems. These people might not even know that Your messages are being returned as spam.  They might be triggered by some automatic phrase recognition or something."  We cannot accept such an argument.  People having such systems are responsible for monitoring them and seeing to it that messages that should reach them are reaching them.  I believe somebody is marking my messages as spam and rejecting them.  When they do that they reject me and separate themselves from me forever.  That is our way, it cannot be changed, it can never be changed.

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

    You can contact my servant Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621, and