An Open Letter From God The Father
To The World

06-06-02 AJ

    We want to start off today with a little vindication and a little attack on our adversaries.  When we first put out the song "Viva La Difference!" we got some obnoxious emails from individuals saying "You're liars!  The French respect the love of two individuals of the same gender!  They have no phrase praising the male and female relationship.  You're making this up to try to promote your homophobia!  Stop lying about such things."  Well, our wonderful Linda has found a most excellent site for phrases "The Phrase Finder."  We're not sure if it's the one my servant used to use or not, but it's very similar to it.  Here is a link to their list of French phrases.  I would like these so called experts to note the phrase that is listed under V.

    I would appreciate it very much if these deranged individuals would get their facts straight before they start attacking us!  We don't appreciate the ignorant saying we don't know what we're talking about.  And to these individuals I have only one further thing to say; ppppffffftt!   
   Here's another bit of ignorance. Sarah did the email yesterday morning and I had her send it out early.  Though she was sending it on her email my servant got responses at his that went "You people don't know the law!  It is illegal for The First Lady to conduct negotiations on behalf of The President!  This would be direct interference with his authority as commander in chief.  The senate rebuked Hillary Clinton for being involved in political affairs.  What makes you think your homophobic animal is superior to her?  We will stop it.  We will not allow you to violate the law."  Now, my servant tried to respond to these emails and they came back saying no such person, no such box.  So we don't know exactly who they're coming from.  But we believe they're smoking too much grass.  We do not believe any such law exists. And if it should, you can be assured just as soon as we're in office we would get it repealed!  Because we definitely believe it's a violation of Sarah's rights, not only as a person but as a wife.  As we say, we think it's all a fake when it's sent by people or a person that is hiding their identity.  We don't pay much attention to it.  But we're only mentioning it to let people know the type of response we're getting, and, what we think of such idiots.  
    I'm asked if I could have anything right now, what would I like to have most?  Well, there's really a lot of things but at this exact moment I would like to have all the auto dealerships advertising in The L.A. Times put this addition in their ads.  "Join The 4th Of July Boycott!  Stop Obama!  Polley For President 2,012."  and then put up a page on their web site telling about my servant's campaign and my desire to march through San Francisco on July 4th, and stating that they ask the people of California to support me.  Right at this moment that is what I would like most of all.  Of course getting The L.A. Times' endorsement for the march and their encouraging the people of California to raise funds to bring my servant there so he could run his campaign in Los Angeles, gathering the dollar loans from each family and setting up the trust funds.  Right now these are the things that would make me the most joyous.  Because it would be showing my power, and that I can still reach the people.
    Now, it would be asked why would the auto dealerships do this?  Simple!  Obama Care will bankrupt them, will put them out of business.  It will be impossible for them to make a profit once the system goes into full effect.  It is a matter of their own self preservation to support me and my candidate and stop Obama.  As my servant says, everything is simple.  These people are making a choice.  Support the homosexual movement and have their businesses destroyed by this creature of Darkness in Washington, or stand with me and stay in business.  It's that simple!  Everything is simple.  There's no middle ground, there's nothing in between. If Obama stays in power every small business in The United States will disappear.  They will simply not be able to operate under the conditions the federal government has set up.  No matter how much The Democrats lie and say the system will work, they know it won't.  They only want the major companies so they can control the people and force them into their ideas of society.  Obama cares nothing for individual liberty.  He wants absolute control.  And we must keep him from achieving it.
    That is why every business in California should support us, why every business in The United States should support us.  Our programs will bring peace to the world, will bring an end to hate.  The powers that be do not truly want a settlement in The Middle East. They want to keep The Arabs and The Israelis at each others' throats so the public will be distracted from their efforts to destroy their liberty.  
     One of their greatest propaganda tools right now is their claim that if a voucher system takes effect the insurance companies will not accept them, and the elderly won't be able to afford insurance.  The answer to that is utterly simple.  You pass legislation that says the insurance companies have to accept them and provide service according to the government's guidelines. If they don't they lose their license to sell insurance in The United States.  They'll be put out of business.  That simple!  A very effective solution.  Anything The Democrats come up with we can find a simple solution.  And the insurance companies will still make plenty of money.  Their executive bonuses might not be quite as big, but they'll still be making more than they deserve.  No offense guys!   But your salaries are a little outside what they should be.  But as long as it's accepted and you're doing your jobs we won't complain.  Let's not be greedy!  The public simply isn't going to tolerate it any more.  And if The Democrats stay in power they're going to be looking for people to blame for their system not working.  And who do you think they're going to blame? I guarantee you, you'll be far better off with my candidate and backing his policies, far better off!  Because I guarantee you, the Democratic plan is for the government to take over your companies, have them run by government employees that will get no bonuses.  You can call this prophecy if you wish.  But I think you already know that they're planning on it.  And if you want your jobs you'd better start supporting me!  I'd like you to suggest to your employees that they march with me through San Francisco on July 4th unless they want to end up working for the government with no benefits and very poor salaries.  Their choice!  Your choice!  Remember those industrialists that supported Hitler and ended up in the gas chambers?  Don't make the same mistake!   
    Well, I've been rambling on here but I think it was important stuff.  Oh, the two monks.  Gotta mention them!  People thought where they died together it might've been some punishment for some wrongs they were doing.  Not so!  This was a very, very rare case that doesn't happen too often, even with twins.  But these individuals were actually one soul that was so powerful it could not dwell in a single body but had to inhabit two in order to travel through life.  As you can tell, it was a kind and gentle soul.  Any more than that I do not want to comment on.  However as we have promised we will tell you the truth in all things, no matter how strange some people would think they are.  To us things like this are commonplace, and nothing out of the ordinary.  Someone once said "Don't you know how much this scares other people?" We see no reason why it should.  That my servant is aware of the totality of the universe and knows about things that are going on that other people don't know about and perhaps don't want to know about, does not make him an individual that would be unacceptable to be president. If anything it probably makes him more qualified because he knows more about cause and effect than anyone on Earth.  People are complaining about his lack of political experience.  I guarantee you, there's a good many politicians that wish he had no political experience, that he had not been involved with ending their careers and making total laughing stocks out of them!  My candidate has plenty of political experience. Though he has never held a political office he has been the terror of those that have.  And I think his ability to gather experienced staff will be more than enough to make up for his direct experience.  And many people who have run for the presidency have never been politicians.  Does anyone think Obama had enough experience?  

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

   You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and