An Open Letter From God The Father
To The World
31-05-02 AJ
We've been asked what's happened to Jason Leen. I had my servant
write one of his little stories, an illustration of what happens to
people like this. Now, this might have been Jason's fate, or it
might have been the fate of someone else. People will have to
decide that for themselves. But each of my servant's little
stories teaches a moral lesson that should be heeded.
Here's the link.
I have to make something clear again, positive and absolute. We have
absolute control of every true psychic in the world. There is not
one of them that is not under our control. Any person that is
giving teachings in any way contrary to what my servant is saying is a
fraud. No ifs, ands, or buts, there's nothing in between.
If their teachings deny anything my servant says they're fakes.
Those psychics working for me will tell people without question that my
servants are absolutely real and everybody should follow their
teachings. Those who are with the creatures of Darkness will tell
people they're real but shouldn't be saying what they're saying because
it needlessly upsets people. One or the other. But anyone that claims
my servants are frauds and what they're saying isn't true has no power
whatsoever, are total and complete frauds. And anyone that
supports them, anyone that stands with them will suffer the same fate
they suffer, eternal death. As we constantly say, it's that
simple! There's nothing in between! We make it simple, we
make it easy. Those that deny us will find somebody very nasty
waiting for them on Judgment Day that has no pity or compassion, that
only looks at things in one way, are they right or are they wrong.
That's it. If what you do destroys one of my children, rather they are
my natural children or my adopted ones, you will be destroyed, or, done
with me forever. Just a little warning to those who want to make
a few bucks. They really should consider if it's worth it!
Most people would say it isn't! Suffering in the Darkness for a
hundred years or so, or maybe a thousand I guarantee you, will feel
like an eternity. Anybody that's ever been there never goes back
I should be fair, I should let
people know that sometimes when individuals do a really good job for my
servant and really work hard for my children, and, his, sometimes when
their period of service is done they ask to return to my Kingdom and
they are accepted. My servant joyously returns them, because he
knows how joyous it makes me. It's something that many people
don't understand, that after they put so much trouble into redeeming
someone then give them back. But the answer is simple. It makes me
joyous and that, to them, is the greatest reward of all. If only
my own did likewise!
Somebody has
asked didn't we mention that the prime minister of Japan's wife was
somehow related to my servant in a past life? I believe so!
I think she was his daughter in the lifetime when he rebelled against
The Empire. She became one of his most able commanders. As
a matter of fact she was the one who most of the time fought the
individual that is now Michael Jackson's daughter. How times
change! Now they are allies and friends, or should be,
anyway. But we've revealed a lot of things in our messages. I
think we mentioned that The Dalai Lama and my servant once had a
lifetime together in Tibet. The relationships go on and on!
They never end. People of such power are constantly influencing
one another, constantly sharing adventures. It's always been, it
always will be. That the creatures of Darkness can keep old
friends apart shows how terrible is their power, how terrible is the
control they have. But we'll break it, we always have, we always
will. It's just a matter of time. And as my servant says
the creatures of Darkness only have about a thousand years, we have
eternity! We'll out last them and come back to destroy
them. It's what we've always done, and it's what we'll always do.
Alice says it's extremely hard to get a
book published now, and we'd have to get The History published as
fiction, like The Lord Of The Rings or Star Wars, that it won't be able
to compete with The Bible. Well, we have no intention of it competing
with The Bible. But it cannot be published as fiction. We
will tell the world it's true and people will have to decide for
themselves. Just as people decide rather or not The Bible is
true, which it is, except for the book of Revelation that we've got to
get rid of.
We've been asked will we include
The Book Of The Nazarene, The Book Of Muhammed and The Book Of Mormon
when we have The History published, as we have said, Joseph Smith's
work will be added unedited. Well certainly the first two works
should be added but we can't add The Book Of Mormon without the consent
of The Mormons, without them recognizing my servant and assisting in
our campaign. But in years to come when this problem is solved
The Book Of Mormon will be a part of The Children's History. What
happened to these people must not be lost.
Well, I guess that's it for today. Somebody has asked us to put
out a book talking about all the people that we know are aliens or
reincarnations. Well, when we get the courier/protectors going we
might make that the special project of one of them to raise funds for
the cause. But we simply don't have time. We can't keep up
with what we need to do.
He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever
You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley, at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and