An Open Letter From God The Father
To The World

18-04-02 AJ

The current flack over Obama as a chimpanzee is laughable!  The only reason it's starting such an outcry is that it was released by a Republican, and, it was supposed to be a private joke among her friends.  The one that released it should be fired, not her. She has nothing to apologize for.  Such images are made every day. The internet is full of them!  Two of my favorites are Obama as the devil with horns, and cloven feet in a Nazi uniform stabbing a baby with a trident and saying "You dare resist me?" and the one of Obama and Hillary as vultures hovering over Libya as the missiles are going in, and Obama saying "Supper time!"  These things are everywhere, and for people to be so enraged about one particular image that was not meant for the public and should not have gone to the public is absolutely outrageous!  These things are going to be flying around until the end of the election and probably after it.  Obama is a creature of Darknesss!  People are expressing this in many, many ways.  There's nothing that can be done about it.  It will happen.  If The Republican Party in California doesn't want this lady I'll take her!  She can help my candidate's campaign.
    I am asked "Are you mad?  Are you insane saying these things about The Catholic Church? Are you trying to start a holy war against The Catholic Church? Are You trying to raise up the entire world against it, destroy it?"  Yes!  That is precisely what I am trying to do!  If The Catholic Church will not accept my reforms, if they will not accept what I want them to do I intend to crush them!  I intend to destroy them!  I intend to wipe them from the surface of the earth until they will eventually be the sad memory of a priesthood that went way, way wrong.  I am giving them every opportunity to repent. I have put people in their church with the power to reform it, and to make it what it should be. But if they will not accept that, if they continue in their lust, if they continue in their desire to let their priests sodomize little boys so they will stay in the church and rule over them I WILL DESTROY THAT CHURCH, no question of it, no doubt of it.  As long as they defy me, as long as they deny me, as long as they stand against me I will fight them, and I will find a way to bring them down!  If I can turn the entire world against them I will turn the entire world against them.  I will show the world what they are. If they want to become a great people I will make them a great people.  But if they want to be the damnation of the earth I will destroy them!  That is positive and absolute!
   I am asked again "What is it these men are so afraid of that believe in male dominance?"  The answer is simple.  In order to save my children, in order to save the planet Earth, I need to gather four young women from around the world, have them join my servants, live with them as their daughters, restoring my servant's powers so he can fight the creatures of Darkness and destroy the evil that's devouring my world.  It is very important that we acquire these young women's services. These men that believe in male dominance know that if we acquire these young women's services and their eight sisters that will help empower them, we will show that women are equal to men, that my servant cannot perform the missions that he needs to perform without these young women to balance him and provide what he doesn't have.  The two halves will combine as one, the male and female will be together so the gathering of these young women and having them serve this purpose terrifies these men because they know it will show that men by themselves can do very little without their sisters.  They are terrified of this!  They want it believed that men are totally responsible for everything.  They will sacrifice the human race, they will destroy the human race to have this disbelief believed, to have their belief in dominance upheld.  They are insane!
    People want to know where are the young women that are so important to us?  The main Christian is in Los Angeles, California, USA.  She is a Jehovah's Witness.  The main Hindu is in Bombay, India.  The Muslim is in Sydney, Australia.  The Shintu, who is very important, is in the capital of North Korea.  These are the four major ones that we really desperately need now, this moment. The others we need are a Catholic in Mexico City, an Anglican in Ireland, a Shintu in China and another in Japan, a Muslim in Saudi Arabia, a Mormon in Salt Lake City, a Catholic in Italy, and a Buddhist from Tibet now living in India, twelve young women that have the power to save the world.  Of course they need to be funded, and we need at least a million dollars for each of these young women, and probably more. But my servant has all kinds of material to sell to raise the money if the people in the countries where these young women are would help do it. There is no reason why we can't raise the funds to ask these young women to come and serve. My servant will not ask them until we have the funds to support them.  It is his way, it is his People's way.  He will not ask them to come into such  danger, and accept such peril if they will not receive the reward that they are entitled to.  I think this is a stirring example of his People's character.
    We have the power to save my world, we have the power to save my children, take them to the stars.  We simply need to raise the funds to gather it, to make it grow and save all that exists.  Someone has foolishly asked "Well, your servant is male and he will be dominating these young women, what difference does it make?  It will still be male dominance."  Nothing could be further from the truth!  My servant will be teaching these young women how to use their power. They will have to use it of their own free will.  If he was to dominate them it would not work.  This is simply a matter of cooperation.  If these young women did not fully and completely cooperate of their own free will, if they resist, then our cause is lost!  My servant cannot dominate them. They must serve because they want to serve, and because they understand what he is doing is for the good of the entire world, and perhaps, the universe.  So dominance is not a question. He cannot dominate. He will teach, he will show them how to perform by his example, by his character, by his way of living.  There could be no greater education for young women to have.   No!  There will be no question of dominance!

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

    You can contact my servant Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621, and