An Open Letter From God The Father
To The World

10-06-02 AJ

    Well, still reeling from the fun and games yesterday!  The creatures of Darkness definitely haven't given up.  They poured it on again last night.  Despite their boasting they did nothing in Los Angeles but concentrated their attacks on Ellsworth, Maine.  Caused quite a little atmospheric disturbance in the process.  But again they were soundly defeated.  
    I've been asked to please do something about the fires in Arizona.  We are trying!  But the accursed flow of energy that we have mentioned coming up from South America and going to Washington DC makes us almost helpless in the situation!  We're not sure how effective we could be if we could stop it.  Tremendous amount of racial hatred in the area, mainly towards illegal aliens, which we need to stop.  As I have said, things are happening that have never been seen before.  We can no longer easily predict what will happen in any given situation.  However, we know for sure that if we could break this flow of power we would be able to do something.  But it is going to take that, we are going to have to have some major success. I want to make something clear to the American people.  I do not accept illegal immigration.  It hurts both the people in The United States and the people from other countries that come here.  However, I do not blame the people desperately looking for work to provide for their families as much as I blame those that take advantage of them and illegally hire them, then do such things as force their teenage daughters into prostitution.  Some progress is being made to go after these individuals and punish them.  But far more needs to be done.  We cannot solve the problem of illegal immigration until those taking advantage of the illegal immigrants are dealt with.  And I do not care how influential they are, how much income they bring into their communities, or what.  We will go after them!  If we can we will expose them, prosecute them, and imprison them.  They won't pay some minor fines and go back to their million dollar homes laughing.  Those million dollar homes will be confiscated, their families put out of them, and they will go to prison!  This is what will happen when my servant becomes president.  It will become the law of the land.  These people that allow rape and murder to enrich themselves will be punished!  It is a promise I make to the illegal aliens that they are exploiting.  Perhaps you can call it a prophecy.  But it will come to pass.  We will attack this problem where it really needs to be attacked.  We will go after the people that are truly causing it.  This is a promise from The Lord Of Hosts.  
    A dear friend of my servant's, Pancho Villa has asked me to make this clear to the people of Mexico so they will understand why my servant will be the best one to become president and protect their interests.  Though he will not support illegality he will make sure that illegals are treated justly, and any property that they have acquired in The United States will not be stolen from them.  He wants his people to know that my servant is their man.  As we have said, we will hide nothing.  We will tell you exactly what we are going to do!
    Now, I've been asked how can I possibly work with Kali?  Well, I simply have no choice!  She is being cooperative and her people in India are being cooperative.  They are not interfering with our efforts in any way.  They are assisting us.  They are obeying the principles of the truce that has been established, and as long as they do we will work with them, just as The United States during World War II worked with The Russians.  Because we could not have defeated The Nazis without them.   As long as we have cooperation we will work with those that are aiding us.  Actually, it's making far more problems for my servant than it is for me.  He's the one that's got to keep Kali in control!  And I guarantee you, it takes all of his age old skill.  The animosity between these two is something that is indescribable!   That Kali is Durga's twin sister and Speaker Linda Polley, besides being Sarah's reincarnation, is also Durga's reincarnation makes things just a little bit difficult!   My servant will not let their physical forms anywhere near each other.  To say that sparks would fly would be an understatement!  The Earth might not survive!  My servant can never understand jealousy.  His lack of human emotion is sometimes a real problem.  But to say that these two very powerful spiritual beings are jealous of each other is one of those statements that is a profound understatement.  My servant has to keep them apart.  
    However, we need The Alliance, we cannot save my children without it.  Every creature of Darkness that chooses to stop fighting us is one less enemy that we have to deal with.  Everyone that chooses to fight with us for one reason or another, is one more source of power that gives us more hope of saving my children.  So rather we like Kali or not, we need her, and anyone that she will bring to our Cause.  When she stops assisting us and goes back to her old ways we will know we have won, that we have saved my children.  So I think people can understand why we will put up with what we have to put up with until the victory is won.  
    Now, Afghanistan.  Some people are upset about those who are saying that the Afghanistan government won't survive after the American troops leave, and they want my opinion on it.  Well, we're not actually sure of that.  We think the present Afghan government could survive and make a pretty good showing, perhaps evolve into a government that would truly represent the people.  Of course with a little cooperation if they stood with me, and started to take care of some of those problems right now, supported my servant, there wouldn't be any question that they would survive.  They would not only survive, Afghanistan would flourish.  Actually, if they stood up and told The United States and The Europeans to get out of Libya right now, incredible things might start happening!  It's entirely up to them and the rest of The Islamic People.  I've instructed them what I want done.  If they start doin' it we can succeed, and, they can succeed.  It's fully and completely up to them.  
    It's been commented again that Gadhafi cannot become the ruler of The Islamic Paradise, that I can't allow it.  Well, Gadhafi is earning this position by standing against the European aggression and refusing to let his country be taken over by Al Quaida.  It is rather hilarious that Obama is fighting Al Quaida in Yemen and trying to keep them from taking over that country while he is giving them Libya, or trying to anyway.  We intend that he does not succeed.  
    People are begging me to find some way of bringing Muhammed back, which Gadhafi would accept.  Because he'll get a world to rule over in the stars if it should happen.  It is still not impossible.  If I was to suddenly get the support of The Islamic People, if the people in Pakistan really rose up against The Taliban, arrested and imprisoned those supporting them, if The Islamic People rose up against The Americans and The French, if they protected Libya, we could send a message to Muhammed not to enter the physical form that is being prepared for him.  We have ten months from the time the message reaches him not to come home until he will be born.  As long as he does not take that physical form another can take it and he can come home.  But once he takes that physical form there can be no turning back.  Once he becomes a living being, a living god among these people he can never return.  He is bonded to them, and that's it.  It takes 3 1/2 months for a message to get to Muhammed.  Other people will have to calculate the time, figure when hope will run out.  But the sooner The Islamic People start cooperating the more of a chance of Muhammed returning we would have.  And other rewards would be given to those who stand with us, rewards they would prefer.  But we cannot wait forever.  The Islamic People have already lost the honor of being first with the courier/protectors.  The Mormons have already lost the honor of being the leader of the courier/protectors.  Now The Jehovah's Witnesses have that place.  For some glorification is passing.  They will still be honored, but their chances for glory diminish with every passing hour.  All that will be said of them is they served, they followed.  It will not be said they lead the way. There will still be honor and praise.  But the glorification is passing away because some are so stubborn, their lust so great.
    Here's the link to the end of my servant's story.  What secrets those who rule keep, how much they hide to make people think they're the ones with power when they are virtually nothing and others truly lead and protect, often against the wishes of those that rule.  How we wish it was not so!

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

    You can contact my servant Speaker Gerald Polley, at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and