An Open Letter From God The Father
To The World
Given Through The Media And Especially Fox News
Which I Wish To Make My Official Network
If They Will Help Me Give My Messages To The World

27-03-02 AJ

    And my message today is a profoundly sad one.  I can no longer stand by The Omega Accords, the agreements my servant and  his people have had with the American government since its foundation.  I can no longer support a president that is murdering innocent people and members of its government that are plotting to kill the sovereign leader of a nation and replace him with terrorists.  My agents will no longer assist the American government in preventing terrorist attacks on The United States as long as Obama is president we will in no way defend The United States.  We will defend our people within The United States but not others. 
    There is a possibility of us continuing our efforts brought forth by Chairman Mao of China.  If The Republican Party comes forth and wholeheartedly starts opposing Obama, standing steadfast against what he is doing in Libya, and supports my candidate for the presidency, Speaker Gerald Polley, I will rescind this decree and my operatives will continue to do all in their power to defend The United States.  But The United States has to rise up and oppose this tyranny.  They must come to realize that they are being sold into slavery to the major corporations with Obama's health care.  And, that Obama is selling their children into inhuman bondage into homosexuality and lesbianism to maintain his power base.  They must rise up against this and support my servant in our battle against this abomination.  If The Republicans will stand with me, if they will recognize my power, we will continue to serve them, and, The United States.  If they reject me and continue to allow homosexuality, and support the anti abortionists and their blasphemy, I cannot stand with them, and will be asking The American People to form a third party that will stand against these abominations. 
    I give The Republicans the opportunity and the power to defend The United States, to stand against this evil that is devouring the world.  If they will take that power we can win.  But they have to say "Enough!  No more politics, no more wheeling and dealing!  From now on we stand for what is right on every issue, and will not betray one people to overcome another evil."
    I give them another opportunity, I give them a chance to save the world.  They simply have to take it. 
    Speaking of Republicans there is a dear lady, I believe, a senator, that is beginning a bid for the presidency.  I am asked "Why can't she be my servant's vice presidential candidate instead of Laura Bush?  Wouldn't one woman be just as good as another?"  Unfortunately, no.  I have sent my people into the material world in this age to perform certain missions.  They have been given certain power and they have developed certain power.  Though I have nothing against this woman she could not win.  And she is needed where she is to help pass my servant's legislation.  Here is another proposal that he would put forth, that we end The United States' relationship with Nato, stop funding it, close all bases in Europe, return them to the locals, and quarter these troops at bases in The United States, spending those funds in The United States.  How much would this help the American debt and stir the American economy?  Nowadays we could have troops back in Europe in a few hours if they were needed.  But it is long passed time that The Europeans take more responsibility for their own defense.  Let The Republicans think about that for awhile!  These are the type of answers that my servant has for America's problems.  This is wholly his idea.  It is something he has been thinking about for some time.  I had nothing to do with it.  He presented it to me. 
    Now, speaking of my servant's presidential campaign, here's a couple of links that people ought to enjoy.  We have long known how dangerous Hillary Clinton is, and have been discouraging people from supporting her for years!   Here are some of our efforts from the past. They still might be of use in the future!

    Now, speaking of Libya, I am asked to comment on the recent report that a woman claimed to have been raped by Gadhafi's soldiers.  There's a very high probability that she was speaking the truth.  Unfortunately, in situations like this men in a position of power often take advantage. Sadly, Iraqi women were raped by American soldiers, and American soldiers raped some of their own comrades.  In every army are the dredges of society.  When these incidents happen those in government should punish these men.  You can be guaranteed I will!  Every man that rapes a woman will be her footstool for a thousand years, her slave.  Or, they can choose eternal death  and be destroyed forever. Surprisingly most women will grant them eternal life and not be too cruel to them but definitely teach them obedience.  These are my comments on this issue.  And men serving in armies everywhere should take heed of them.  There's plenty that are willing, none should be taken by force.  Understand that.  You can be assured that there are far more women being raped by the forces opposing Gadhafi than those supporting him.  After all, they're working for Obama. 
    I have been asked what am I going to do about the Islamic leaders that are helping in the attacks on Libya.  My advice to these people is to read the Scriptures and to see what happened to those in power that turned on their people.  And, what happened to those that were wise enough to repent.  The answer to that question is in The Scriptures. 
    Oh!  Speaking of The Scriptures, as my servant has his campaign headquarters he wants to have Bibles available to be given to children and also copies of The Koran and the Hindu Scriptures and, Jewish Teachings to help combat the misunderstandings between all religions and, for all the world to know that he serves everyone, not just Christians, Muslims, or Jews, but everyone.  We'd like to have some material from Buddhists, too.  Now, some people will scream about the separation of church and state but my servant sees no reason why he cannot spread the wisdom of the ages and use it in his campaign.  If there are groups that supply this material free, he would like their assistance in making it available.  Of course there will be nothing on Satanism.  There are limits to what we can support! 
    Well, I guess that's about it today.  I call upon all America and especially The Republicans.  Stand with me!  Stand with my servant and we will not only save America but we will save the world.  The Islamic People say God is great.  I might be boasting, but I really think that's true!  I'm the best thing going.  If my servant is wise enough to know that, as long as he has existed, I think people ought to listen to him. 

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

You can contact my servant Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and