I had one of those perplexing situations happen to me a little while ago that totally confused me.
I had made a new acquaintance and we were getting along quite well. I thought perhaps I had actually found a friend for a change. When we were with a group of people and all of a sudden my new acquaintance began to totally humiliate me saying very gross and improper things that upset several of the people that were with me.
I was very angry but simply walked off rather than cause a confrontation. Several of the people that were present came up to me later, saying they were sorry the incident had happened, but that was the way my acquaintance was. He just didn't know when to stop.
I have avoided my acquaintance since then, only dealing with him when I have to.
He came up the other day very upset, saying "What in the heck is the matter with you? I was only kidding! Nobody took me seriously. What kind of a friend are you if you can't take a joke?"
I informed him that I was no friend of his, whatsoever, and it was really best we simply stay away from each other because if he ever humiliated me in that manner again there would be a very strong response. His reply was "Well if you want to be that way, fine, I don't need you."
Try as I may I cannot get used to this human idea that if you're friends it's perfectly all right to publicly humiliate each other.
Throughout my life I have run into this attitude on several occasions and find it just as perplexing and disturbing each time. this strange idea is so against every principle I believe in that I just cannot relate to it. Yet it seems to be a major part of some peoples' relationships. The more they humiliate and degrade each other the happier they seem to be. And they seem to be very upset with people that don't share the strange attitude.
I am afraid I am one that will never accept this lewd and disgusting kind of behavior. Maybe someday I'll come to understand it, though I doubt it. But I will never come to accept such behavior"



Some people have noticed that we mail our magazines and other correspondence with flag stamps and He always put them upside down. And they have asked why.
The flag upside down is a signal of distress, and this country is definitely in distress! With such people in Washington as Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, with cigarette executives selling their poison to our children, mad militia groups threatening to bomb federal buildings this country is in a lot of trouble. So we put our stamps upside down as a little statement of disapproval with the way things are going. that actually did the killing, but the Mexican and the American politicians that protect the drug trade for their own dark purposes.... all involved in this dirty business are marked for destruction, and when the opportunity presents itself, justice will be done. This is a promise we make to these fallen heroes.




One of our readers wrote with one of those proverbial questions; "If homosexuality is a mental illness how can God condemn it?" Well, the answer is really simple. Homosexuality falls into that category of mental illness that is easily cured by abstention. Like alcoholism and drug addiction the homosexual can cure themselves by simply abstaining from the practice. Any mental illness such as this can be condemned. A person can have alcoholic tendencies all their life, but not become an alcoholic. A person can be drug addictive and not become a drug addict. Similarly a homosexual can have homosexual tendencies but never become a homosexual. They are perfectly capable, if they summon the will that they have, to lead perfectly normal and constructive lives. Their failure to do so can justly be condemned. It is easy to take the path of least resistance, to dive into whatever perverse pleasure one finds enjoyable. This does not mean that one is right in doing so, nor does it mean they will not have to pay the price for their actions. That is a fundamental truth, and that is why homosexuality MUST be condemned.



Dave Wilson of WIBC radio in Indianapolis, Indiana called July 4th and asked how people celebrate The Fourth Of July in the Spirit Realm. Well, mainly like we do it in the material realm, except in a much grander way. The day starts with grand parades with every imaginable celebrity taking part, sometimes in two or three different parades during the course of the day. Every possible historical group is represented. Then comes the fireworks displays which have to be extremely bright because there's never any real night for the good people in The Spirit Realm. These displays are usually accompanied by concerts of all types. But the real high point of the day are the speeches- the most popular of course, being George Washington, then closely followed by the other signers of The Declaration Of Independence. Each speech is by invitation only, and to receive an invitation is the social coup of the year. And the speeches are always excellent, not merely dealing with the past, but the present, also. Not only The Founding Fathers speak, but many of the former Presidents, including Lincoln, Teddy & Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy; those who stood out in history as servants of the people. Some noted clergymen also speak on the 4th, the most notable being The Rev. King. All in all the Spirit Celebration of The Fourth Of July is a spectacular affair, and not enjoyed by Americans, alone, as many people of other nationalities flock to the American sector to help us celebrate The Birth Of A Nation designed for the people, rather than the rulers.... a nation we certainly hope will continue to be a leader in the cause of human rights.



"The world must be made safe for democracy." -Woodrow Wilson (1856 - 1924)






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