We have stated before that the alien interference has greatly interfered with The Awakening.  Someone has asked "What would have happened if The Awakening HAD gone the way it was supposed to?  How would history have been different?  Well, let us pick one example.
Anwar Sadat, the great Egyptian leader, would not have been assassinated.  Through his efforts Israel and the Arab communities would have grown closer together.  More nations would have made peace with Israel.  Then Sadat would have made the most incredible gesture for peace that any world leader had ever considered.  He would offer the Palestinians living in Israel land EQUAL to what they held in Israel in the Sainai Peninsula as their own separate homeland.  He would convince the Arab nations The United States and many European Nations, to back his proposal, and a great construction project would begin creating several cities that would be environmentally superb, that would become the models for other construction projects in the future.
The Palestinians would leave Israel and Jews from around the world would move in to take their place.
The remaining nations of the Arab world would recognize Israel as a separate nation and make peace treaties with it, and the foundation would have been laid for peace in that area of the world that would never be shaken again.  Anyone who attacked ANY of the nations in that area after that, would have been quickly dealt with by the neighboring states, without the rest of the world getting involved.
History would have been far, far different, had not extra terrestrial agents stirred up Islamic fundamentalism, and caused Sadat's assassination.  It would have been far different, indeed.


Well, we just had our 25th wedding anniversary.  It don't seem possible it's been that long!  I don't know how Linda has put up with me for all these years.  It takes a really special woman with all the things that WE go through.  Life DEFINITELY isn't easy!  We have been together for several lifetimes, and none of them have been all that easy.  So it is definitely not bliss that keeps us together, or, merely love.  But I think we are held together more by devotion to our Cause, and, respect for each other, rather than love.  Mere attraction is only a very small part of our relationship.  And when you dig down in most relationships I think you'll find this true; especially the ones that last.
Love is only the thing that brings the two people together.  There are far stronger underlying ties that keep them together. I, myself, believe that love is overrated as the foundation stone of a relationship.  That's simply my personal opinion, but it's one held from centuries of observation.  I'm sure others have a different opinion.




"And he gave her his hand and lifted her
up, and when he had called the saints and
widows, presented her alive."

-The Bible, Acts 9:41

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