We have not talked about our Ancestors for quite a while, because of the Work we have been doing for The Nazarene of late.  But a lady asked an interesting question the other day that brought Them back to mind.  She asked "If your people could travel from world to world, why weren't They destroyed by epidemics brought from other worlds?"
Well, the truth is, a couple of times millions of Them were.  But these were rare occasions, because we had tremendously developed immune systems that were fortified with universal vaccines that were effective against almost all viruses and bacteria.
These vaccines worked by attacking genes that were common to all viruses and bacteria.  They made our immune systems so strong that only very powerful bacteria could penetrate them.
On two occasions bacteria that was not natural but had been manufactured as weapons of mass destruction did penetrate our defenses.  Only one naturally occurring disease ever gave us any serious trouble.  And even these diseases did not bother us for long, as we quickly developed new separate vaccines for these particular diseases.
Our medical skills were so far ahead of what is on Earth today, that earth's doctors could be comparable to the blood letters of medieval times, who believed they could cure their patients by drawing off the bad blood that was poisoning them.  There is just no comparison.


June 2th we were talking to Randi Rose, WJON, West Palm Beach, FL.  She was very upset about the JonBenet Ramsey situation, and asked how it could possibly happen.  I told her it was the result of our perverted times.  She argued that the experts in the books she had been reading said that things have been getting steadily better.  That's why I despise experts.  They have no grasp of reality.  They haven't been out on the streets, they have no conception of real life.
I understand Randi's feelings, I share them.  But the truth is the truth.  Things AREN'T getting better, they're getting worse and worse.  THE EXPERTS ARE IDIOTS!


JUNE 13- Oklahoma City victims delighted with verdict, but ask why Tim McVeigh gets so many appeals.  Why does justice take so long.

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