A co-worker and I were talking the other day, and a subject I often run into came up.  My co-worker was saying everything wasn't cut and dried, that there was always different ways of looking at things.  I told him the reality is that isn't true at all.  Everything IS cut and dried.  It is either true or false, right or wrong, good or bad.  There's nothing in-between.  One of the greatest faults of our current society IS this misguided notion that in complex issues compromises can be made, ground given.  This simply is not so!
The Lords Of Light for centuries, have taught what is right and what is wrong, but man, as soon as he gets a teaching, starts to say, "Well, it might not be right, but we can compromise a little bit and let people do it under certain circumstances."
How sad it is for people like this when they reach the Next Life and find that their excuses just don't work, that they are still held responsible for their misdeeds, even if somebody told them that it was all right.  You CANNOT bend the Truth to fit your desires, without paying a price.  You cannot do whatever you want to do and say it's all right, because that's what was popular at the moment.  This might be perfectly acceptable to the permissive society that changes the rules to fit their desires, but it isn't all right with The Lords Of Light, with The Givers Of Law.  To Them there is only right and wrong.  So no matter how much somebody says you can be flexible, you can be liberal, you can compromise, do what is right, or you may sincerely wish you had!


One of our friends keeps complaining at our patientness.  He wants to do things far quicker, accomplish more.  But being immortal, or at least understanding your immortality, makes you infinitely patient.  You can destroy the most powerful, the most bloodthirsty, the most cruel, because you can keep coming back and picking at them again and again, opening a wound here, a wound there, causing them a problem in this place, a problem in that place, until slowly but surely you problem them right out of existence.
July 1st the British Empire lost Hong Kong, another tiny bit of the spoils gathered by its bloodthirsty army has been lost!  Another bit of Imperial greed has been destroyed. That is the true advantage of being forever.  No matter what The Dark Ones create, no matter how vile their child, persistence, relentless persistence, can destroy it.  Their dreams and their desires fade away.  All that they stole from others is eventually lost.
Not saying that Hong Kong won't have trouble with its new rulers.  Things probably won't be easy.  But now they are back with their own.  The prize of the Opium Wars, one of the greatest evils this world ever saw, has been lost to the conquerors and, the conquerors have MORE to lose.  there are other voices calling for justice, asking to have what was stolen from them returned.  And there are those that are listening, watching and waiting.  Those that wait with infinite time, and infinite patience.

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