Ted Turner recently announced he would like to get rid of The Star Spangled Banner as The National Anthem and replace it with God Bless America.  I asked my Worker to put this proposal out in The Spirit Realm and see what percentage of the people there agree with this proposal.  I'm a little bit surprised with the answer!  I thought more people would be in favor of the simpler song, but they are not!  Less than 1% of the Americans in The Spirit Realm would want The National Anthem changed!  Though it's hard to sing, I guess the old Star Spangled Banner is getting popular!


Since being featured in Chip Rowe's book we've had a couple of calls asking why we're not in the Internet.  Well, the chief answer to that is, the Ashtarian Agent operating the Heaven's Gate cult lured the people away that were supposed to be our computer experts and killed them, leaving us in somewhat of a quandary.  They were supposed to help us get into the computer web, and also help us raise funds.  Their loss has been a considerable setback to us.
We must take this opportunity to remind our readers that these groups claiming that extra-terrestrials are going to come down soon, and solve all of mankind's problems are distributing fraudulent information!  The aliens AREN'T coming!  Don't listen to these individuals!  DON'T spread their teaching.  You will be doing grievous harm to those forces really fighting to save mankind.
Mankind must solve their own difficulties, others cannot do it for them.  It is only a wishful dream that they will.


Well, we didn't have a miracle, but we did get an unexpected refund from the government that made this Special Edition possible, which was really needed because so very much is going on!  We just can't seem to cover it all in our regular issues.  It is hard sometimes, to decide what's going to be left out.  Most of the time we don't want to drop anything, but it simply becomes necessary.  I'm sure this is a dilemma every publisher faces, large and small.  I'm positive we're not alone!


"Of all the threads of rhyme
Which I have spun,
I shall be glad if Time
Save only one."

-Frank Dempster Sherman (1860-1916)



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