AUGUST 15, 1997

We have received word of a shocking occurence in The Spirit World.  71 former Catholic priests and 53 nums have been expelled from The Kingdom Of God because it was found they were part of an organized effort to resist The Awakening.  As far as we know this is the greatest expulsion ever to take place since the beginning of Christendom.  The previous record was ten expulsions at one time, and that was over 500 years ago!  This mass punishment for misbehavior has shaken the very foundations of the Christian community in The Spirit Realm.
The Catholics pleaded that they had a right to do all they could to protect Christ's worship.  Christ answered,
"What good would it be if God was only worshipped by The Dead?  You are the ignorant and the foolish.  Man's traditions mean more to you than the survival of mankind.
We must work together.  We cannot fight each other.  If we do, we will all perish.
You were told to follow my directions.  If ou will not follow my directions you are not of my house.  Go!  Dwell where you wish.  Abide with who you will.  You do not belong among my children!
Let you be a warning to others that still put their doctrine before the survival of all!"
The Catholic Community in The Spirit Realm is reeling from this incident.  Again, many have become far more serious in their efforts to help with The Awakening.  It is too bad such drastic actions have to be taken to win their support, but sometimes it seems to be the only way you can reach certain groups.  They have to be shown that disobedience will be dealt with before they can come to obey.  This is very unfortunate....very, VERY unfortunate.

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(This web site no longer available.)

Well, we've finally done it!  Many people have been begging us to for years.  We finally got a Web Page!  The wonderful people at Portland Web Smith, 142 High St., Portland, ME 04101, Phone/Fax (207) 874-24422, e-mail; have done a wonderful job of preparing our site for what we consider a reasonable rate.
If you're in the vicinity and need such work done we give them the HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION!
We are using the site in an effort to gain new members for The Spiritist Movement and to continue spreading The Teachings.  We hope to add a second page in the near future letting people know what is in the current and upcoming issues of VOICES.
This is a major step for us.  We hope to get some good responses and that we have the resources to handle the load.  Your prayers on this matter will be appreciated.

(The services of Portland Web Smith are no longer recommended by Spiritist Publications
as of 1988.)

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