Our interview this issue, is with Luke, writer of The Third Gospel.

1.  Luke, I will ask you the same question I asked the other writers of the Gospels.  Do you believe your Gospel was rightly translated?

A.  Oh, yes!  Quite well, Demetrius!  As with all the rest the evil was done in the early ages when the corrupt priesthood omitted those things that did not agree with their doctrine.  This is the most heinous of all crimes that has doomed them for eternity.
I am still amazed however, that with what still remains the evil ones have led the people so far astray, into so much false doctrine that destroys them.  Their sin is compounded by even greater sin that generation after generation lead so many to Eternal Death instead of Eternal Life.
The Lord has made me special protector of His Truth.  I go forth, from nation to nation, I speak constantly to those of many denominations trying to convince them to rise up against the evil their Forefathers have done, but few hearken to me, and try to return the people to The Lord, and take them away from false tradition.

2.  Give us an example of the false teachings the evil priesthood has installed, that we may better understand why you and the other Givers Of Truth are disturbed.

A.  The greatest example I can give you, dear Demetrius, is the teaching of The Trinity.  This false philosophy that puts The Lamb Of Our Salvation and The Servant Of God, The Holy Spirit, on an equal level to God, and causes man to worship Them as equals to God, breaking the commandment that 'You shall put no other God before me.'
Our Lord was sent forth unto the world to be The Perfect Sacrifice, The Unspoiled Lamb, God's Greatest Gift To Mankind.  You cannot worship The Sacrifice, no matter Its origin, no matter Its Glory, no matter how great The Gift that It represents; worshipping it would be the same as worshipping the goat that was sacrificed in the omission of sin.
If you put The Sacrifice on a level with God, if you make it God, then the Sacrifice has no meaning, has no purpose.  THE SACRIFICE MUST BE SEPARATE FROM GOD, or It cannot serve the function.
God gave a Great Gift, man SPOILED that Gift, took away Its Glory and Its meaning.  Then, too, we come to the aspect of The Holy Spirit.
God sends The Holy Spirit, His Comforting And Guiding Angel, unto The True Believer, to comfort them and fortify them in times of tribulation.  The Holy Spirit is a Messenger Of God, part of God's Divine Glory, but IS NOT GOD.  Again by making The Holy Spirit a part of God and worshipping It, you drive It away, you keep it from making contact with you, for you love the lies and traditions of man much more than you love The Wonder And Glory Of God.
This Teaching, along with the fact that this vile priesthood has made The Lord's Mother their holy whore in their temples, a graven image to be worshipped, has condemned them to be ever outside The Glory Of God.
None that practice these beliefs are not allowed into God's Kingdom until they denounce them and denounce those who taught these evils, and continue to teach them as unholy, and outside The Glory Of God.
These things, Demetrius, are the things that have most defiled The Teachings of Our Blessed Prophet, and Lamb Of God.
That is all I wish to say at this time, but if any have question, if they wish me to clarify what I have said in any way, I will be more than glad to return and do so.

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Well, we certainly thank you for your comments, Luke, and appreciate you speaking them through us.  Hopefully the majority of Christians will come to understand what you are saying.  We thank you!

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