Everyone has been asking how Princess Di and her companion are doing.  They are doing quite well.  They have not yet entered the Spirit Realm.  Upon dying they discovered their powers nd have been entertaining themselves irritating the paparazzi, making them spoil their shots in many different ways, and just enjoying being able to go places without being mobbed!
They are fully aware of their condition.  There are Those standing by to guide them to The Spirit Realm, but they are simply in no hurry to go.
I agree with the current outcry against the paparazzi. That The Dark Ones could use these ignorant people to destroy a Queen and a Pharaoh has deeply disturbed us.  Something must be done to guarantee peoples' right to privacy.  Laws must be established forbidding the sleaze papers from publishing photographs of anyone without their consent.
People have a right to carry on their lives without being followed by madmen who will do ANYTHING for a dollar.  IT SIMPLY HAS TO BE STOPPED!


We have lost another of our angels....literally.  Mother Teressa has died.  One of those Lights among us has gone out.
Here was a woman raised as an aristocrat, who chose a life of devotion and prayer.  Who, when she saw the suffering of others did what she could to deal with that suffering, and encouraged others to do likewise, defying the orders of her superiors, who, at one time even threatened to put her out of their faith because of her disobedience.  Only when the public came to see her as the angel she was did her superiors start to praise her, and acknowledge her efforts.
If there ever was a gentle warrior Mother Teresa was the greatest of them all.  She conquered with the most powerful weapon that we can possess....LOVE....total, complete and unquestioning love.
We disagreed on a few things.  She opposed abortion, for one.  But these small differences do not matter.  The good she did is unquestioned, and people have every right to admire and bless her.  But her death creates only one problem.  Already there are those that are praying to her.
Though we, ourselves, worship our Ancestors, we never pray to any of them singularly, by name.  We only worship Them in Their collective state, in their combined power and glory.
This is one of the greatest untruths of Catholicism, the teaching of praying to individuals instead of to The Source Of Their Glory And Their Strength.  It is an error that will forever overshadow this faith and cause it to be condemned by the very Souls they pray to.

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