We mentioned in a previous article what would have happened in world history if the extra terrestrial interference had not disturbed The Awakening.  Some have asked, "How would things have gone for us if The Awakening had gone as planned?"
Well, about 1972 we should have formed our first real church in Bangor, Maine, established the Church's By Laws there, and begun to spread across the country.
By 1977 we should have published our first fiction story, "SUSAN: THE PRISONER," put the profits from that in the bank and used them to support us, so we could devote full time to the Religious Work.
The next year we should have published our second fictional story, "DOC," and used the profits from that to purchase a Headquarters, with warehouse space.
The next year we should have sold our third story, "MINDON'S RING," and used the profits from that to publish and promote "LIGHT: THE DIVINE HISTORY OF SPIRITISM, FROM HADES TO EARTH", making it available to those that desired it, at cost.
With The History published, the Church should have really taken off.
In the years after that we should have sold more fiction stories to promote other projects, but unfortunately none of this came to pass, as those who were supposed to work with us could not bring themselves to violate the desires of their earthly families, and help bring The Lords' Glory back to the world.  Then Bangor became so infested with homosexuality that The Lords forbade it to have The Glory that it was intended, because the people had become so depraved.  We were forced to move on to better locations, trying to overcome the strange interference that, at the time, we did not know was caused by extra terrestrials.
At the present moment The Work is about 20-25 years behind schedule.  By now we should have been a national, if not international force affecting the happenings in the world, openly.  Instead we must continue our Work in the background, doing as much good as we can, stopping as much evil as we can, until the Children Of The Lords overcome the interference that keeps Them from achieving Their Glory, and they rise to the prominence where They should be, The Darkness is again brought under control, sanity brought back to the world.
As I have said before, being Immortal gives us infinite patience.  Those who have failed us will sorrow in the Spirit Realm as many do already, that they forsook The Truth for human pleasures.
There are those rising that have The Truth within them, and eventually it WILL burst forth.  For The Truth is here among us, it is with us, it has simply not yet awoken, but THE TRUTH IS HERE!

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