We have been waiting for Christ's response to the American Bishops' letter to the Catholic Church saying that parents of homosexuals could accept their children's lifestyle, continue to associate with them, and still be acceptable to the church.
Normally a response to such a blasphemy is swift and certain, but the recent difficulties in The Spirit Realm have made things uncertain. Christ made  His decision quickly, but before informing us of it he had to check with every former Catholic in His Kingdom to see if they would back Him in what He proposed to do.  Only when He had one-hundred-per-cent approval, the absolute assurance of every Catholic dwelling in The Kingdom Of God did He choose to contact me, and give me His instructions that He wished conveyed to the American Catholics.  They are as follows.
"As I have ordered any that worship me to leave any church that condones the practice of man and man, and woman and woman having sexual relations with one-another, and dare to call this abomination to God an acceptable alternative lifestyle, I now order all those who call themselves Catholics to leave this church and to have nothing to do with it, in the part of the world that is called The United States Of America, as this church has chosen to put the desires of man before the desires and the clear teachings of God.  And I do hereby declare, that any that do not do so after 12:01, October 6, 1997, will be denied entry into The Kingdom Of God when they leave the physical existence and enter into The Spiritual.
Even if they choose to give up the false teachings they have been taught, and denounce those who taught them to them, they will not be allowed to enter into The Kingdom Of God.  They will not be allowed to have fellowship with me, or, their loved ones who have entered into my Kingdom.  They will be cast out, to dwell among the ungodly.
I also withdraw from this so-called church all Spiritual guidance.  All Angels are to leave their temples.  All Those that give their leaders God's Counsel are to abandon them. They are to be given no comfort, no joy.  When they try to reach within to find the Presence Of God there will be only emptiness there.
It is not my desire to do these things, and as your people that dwell in my Kingdom have begged of me to give an alternative, to give a way for their sin to be pardoned, for this blasphemy to be forgiven, I give you an alternative.
If all those who drafted this abomination of a letter and agreed to its principles are stripped of their power and put out of your church, if all in your church confirm that that which is called homosexuality is an abomination to God, and an unacceptable sin, if they swear to put out all that practice this sin and have nothing to do with them, the conditions of this decree will be lifted and those that have been put out will be offered the chance to cast off the false doctrines and to be welcomed into The Fellowship Of God's Believers.
ONLY when those conditions are met will the offer be made.  There will be no negotiations, no discussion, no argument!  Either you will do The Will Of God, or you will be outside of God's Kingdom.  The only voices you hear will be the voices of Darkness, will be the voices of those that wish you to destroy so they may feed on the dead.  These will be the only voices your dark Souls will be able to hear."
This is the conclusion of Christ's comments.  We sent them out with a very heavy heart.

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