As we approach The Year 2,000 I am running into a phenomena that is disturbing me more and more.  Some people dread the coming of the new Century.  Many of them sincerely believe that come midnight, December 31, 1999, fire will descend from Heaven and consume all the world.
Time and time again I have had to convince them that this simply isn't so, and they tell me that such and such said in his book, that the End was coming. I tell them that such and such doesn't know what he's talking about.
I have spoken with all of The Great Teachers in The Spirit Realm, and They have assured me that The End is not coming....to the contrary, They predict that the upcoming century will be one of glorous triumph for mankind, not saying that we won't have some trials and tribulations.  There are changes coming that some individuals won't like, and there are some things that are not going to happen that other people have long believed in.  But old Mother Earth will continue to exist, and in time, should be a lot healthier than she is now, as people turn to more kind treatment of Her resources.
It is a sad state that an individual can so frighten his followers, that he can talk them into mass suicide to escape the destructionthat the false prophets say is coming.
Twice in recent years we have seen such a catastrophe.  We, in the metaphysical community, must begin to speak out.  we must begin to oppose the prophets of doom...those who are enriching themselves by terrifying others, who are selling meaningless books explaining where individuals can survive the upcoming Earth changes.
People do not need to spend a fortune looking for wisdom. There are several books already in existence that give them all they need to know to survive in the upcoming age.  They bear such names as The Bible, The Koran, and The Sanskrits.  They were wisdom in the days of old, and they are still wisdom today.
Do not believe such tales; do not run after those that say, "If you follow me into death my spaceship will take you away, and you will be safe."
Do not fear the coming of The New Age, embrace it.  It is nothing whatever, for the good to fear.  For those that are coming bring not Darkness, but they bring The Light.  Let us, in the metaphhsical community, cry out to the world and tell them to welcome Them with joy!



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