9.  Do you really buy Souls?

A.  No.  Sometimes when we expend a great deal of energy to help someone who has taken the wrong Path, we do insist that they serve us for a length of time to repay what has been done for them.  These agreements are recognized by all The Lords Of Light and they insist that the terms of service be fulfilled before the individuals are allowed to return to Their kingdoms.  Sometimes when an individual stands in judgment we have grievances with, we send a petition stating that this person owes us service.  The Lords Of Light must always honor these petitions.

10.  Do you want people to worship you?

A.  No, NEVER!  I am a devout follower of The Lords.  Such an idea appalls me!  That my small Work is recognized and remembered among The Children is good enough for me.  I desire no one's worship and forbid anyone to do so.

11.  What do you think of the people that sacrifice animals and sometimes human beings to you?

A.  May the Lords Of Light hunt them and destroy their physical forms so that they may suffer the pain and anguish that they have caused others.  Let the Hunters take to the wind!

12.  What do you think about being known as all things evil?

A.  Not very much.

13.  Were you homosexual?

A.  NEVER!  The joys of the male/female relationship were known to me and appreciated.  I never desired anyone of my own gender.  I put my mark on anyone that claims I did, for they have dishonored me, and I will demand payment.

14.  Why do you hate God?

A.  Over the ages our people have suffered so much at the hands of those who believed in a single, all powerful Deity and would tolerate no one who believed differently, that the very thought of such a Deity now repulses us and fills us with loathing.

15.  Why do you hate The Nazarene and His followers?

A.  Au contraire!  never!  Such talk is utterly ridiculous!  We are good friends.  We often lunch and sup together, while we are straightening out problems between Our Houses.  I often attend entertainments His People are putting on, and He often visits ours. His followers come and go through our lands without hindrance, visiting Their Loved Ones that will not dwell in His Kingdom, and Our Followers often visit His Kingdom.  There is no animosity between us in The Spirit Realm.  The only ones I DO have occasion to deal with are those hypocrites that falsely claim to be a follower of The Nazarene and use His Teachings to do evil.  Those I do have a reckoning with, especially if they harm my Children.

16.  Why do you make people in the material world do bad things?

A.  Never!  Any that say I do accuse me falsely.  I and all those with me are Followers Of The Light.  Any that do evil we destroy.  This is merely the teachings of The Evil Priesthood, who cannot tolerate anything different.

17.  Why do you think the People Of God gave you such a bad reputation?

A.  Because they needed a scapegoat, someone to blame for their own errors and the things that God can't explain away.  The propaganda that is now distributed has nothing to do with Christianity, it was created by evil men who wanted an excuse to try and torture those that displeased them.  So they simply declared them servants of The Devil and excused any evil they did to them.  This is the reason my good name has been so defiled.

*  *  *

We thank Satan for this interview.  If you have suggestions on which Spirits you'd like to see interviewed here, feel free to send them in along with any questions you have.  We'll se what we can do.  If you'd like a reply include return postage.
Our next interview will be with the Spirit of Ann Lee, the founder of the Shaker religion.  If you have any questions for her send them in as soon as possible!

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