In a conversation a while back I mentioned to an associate that demons only lived for about 1,000 years. It is very rare they existed beyond that. And he asked me why.
As a demon ages it needs more and more energy from dying bodies to sustain itself. It begins to leak and must constantly feed in order to survive. In any given area there are only so many dying human bodies for the demons to feed on.
As the demon becomes weaker younger demons drive it away from the best feeding places and it must turn to non-human bodies for its sustaining energy. The only thing is, these bodies do not produce all the energy the demon needs. It begins to degrade more and more, into the animal state.
Eventually it simply can no longer sustain itself, and it starves to death, suffering the untold agonies it has caused others. In some dark, dismal place where the sunshine never reaches, it slowly, surely ebbs away until there is nothing left, unless it chooses to present itself to a Lord Of Light, enter The Spirit World, and end its agony quickly, by suffering The Second Death.
For a brief time demons have great power. They can mimic the aspects of The Lords Of Light, they can deceive those who follow them into believing that they can give them great power. But in the end, when their powers fade, they pay a price beyond anything that words can describe.
The legends of hell are nothing in comparison, only poor attempts at explanation.
The agony and suffering that a demon endures in its last hours is beyond ANY words to describe.
Some would say it is a fate well deserved, but those that have pity will say, "Let us make sure as few as possible take this path, that none of our children die in this horrible way."
What Soul, with any feeling, cannot agree with them?

One of my coworkers asked one of those silly questions the other day that I really had to think about. He said could any of the head trauma I've had over the years have anything to do with my psychic abilities? I told him no, but it is strange that just about every famous psychic you've read about some time in their life got whacked on the head! It's little wonder people come to believe this idea, but I think the truth of the matter is The Dark Ones are always trying desperately to get rid of Those that bear The Light, and send the misguided, the careless and the ignorant to do them harm. But fortunately we all have considerably hard heads, and remarkable healing abilities
Sometimes, though, you could do without the headaches!
Stone walls and 2 X 4s hurt! Do they ever!

"Angels affect us oft, and worshipp'd be."
-John Donne (1573-1631)

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