By; Speaker Gerald A. Polley

THE ANCIENT ONE was hunting far south of his home, but his efforts were frustrated. He was about to turn homeward when the repeat of shots below caught his attention. He and his companion altered their course to see what was afoot.
Below them two young people fled through the jungle with several men pursuing them. One got close, raised his weapon to fire when something shot out of the jungle, knocked him off his feet, gave him three quick blows, then disappeared.
"That damned thing's back!" one of the other men screamed. They began to fire wildly in all directions, trying to hit the small figure that flashed in and out of view.
The Ancient One signed his companion to take the three men to the far left. he descended and took those on the right. In a few moments the young people escaped as their pursuers were rendered unconscious or dazed. Having had enough those who were still standing gathered their fallen comrades, and fled through the night. The small figure appeared and went to take up pursuit, but the Ancient One called out "Cupid!"
Startled, the small figure turned, ran towards The Ancient One crying "Old One!" he stopped, threw wide his arms, and the Ancient One knelt spreading his arms. Soon they were embracing warmly.
"Father!" the little man cried, "Long time no see!"
"Well, if you'd let people know where you are," The Ancient One answered, "I'd drop in once and a while. But not even your mother knows where you are."
Cupid laughed joyously. "Precisely!" he answered.
The Ancient One's companion approached and Cupid looked up. "Who's the walking tin can?" he asked.
"This is The Ax Man," The Ancient One answered. "he's an Aesir. Mind your manners!"
Cupid walked over and extended his hand.
"Well met, Ax Man!" he cried. "Any friend of Father's is a friend of mine."
The Aesir took Cupid's hand and shook it strongly. "He's your father?" he asked.
Cupid shrugged.
"I thought Ares was your father," the Aesir continued.
"Oh, mother had a thing with him at the time," Cupid answered, "but father kind of distracted her. He was a young, bold warrior at that time. Of course mother didn't know what ELSE he was! And I was a bit of a surprise! Speaking of mother, you seen her lately?" Cupid asked, turning back to The Ancient One.
"Only when I can't avoid it," The Ancient One answered. "I think it's been about seventy-five years."
"Can you believe this guy?" Cupid remarked to The Ax Man. "The most desired woman on Earth and he avoids her like the plague! What are you doing here anyway, old man?"
"Looking for some blood drinkers," The Ancient One answered, "lost their trail."
"Beat you to it," Cupid remarked. "When those two young people get to the authorities it will be taken care of. They are interfering with my spreading of joy, so I made that young fella fall in love with their next victim. He'd just been initiated into the group and fully didn't understand what they were about."
The Ancient One laughed. "We do things different but we get 'em done!"
"We sure do!" Cupid answered. "Remember Germany and the witch hunters? Oh, that was fun! Well, I gotta go!" Cupid continued, "I'm not as powerful as you, old man. Can't be away from my body as long. He's heard of you, by the way. Doesn't like you too much right now 'cause your teachings mess up some of his favorite ideas, but he'll come around. Maybe we'll have fun together again!"
Cupid motioned The Ax Man aside.
"Take care of him," he whispered, "he's not as young as he used to be. I mean a million plus is old, even for one of Their kind!"
The Aesir nodded. Cupid returned to The Ancient One for one more hug, then soared skyward. The Ax Man walked over to The Ancient One, chuckling. "You're Cupid's father!"
"Don't make a lot of it!" The Ancient One warned.
The Ancient One rose after him shaking his head.
"I'm never going to hear the end of this," he muttered, "NEVER!"



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