By; John Kurluk

Occasionally I receive a zine that announces contact with the spirit world.  Even that of the editor and others being able to talk with spirits, as in holding an interview with them per quesion/answer.  And of these zines/interviews, the editor/others can make contact with spirits that have been dead of their human form long, long ago.  Some interviews being conducted with personalities long before the birth of Christ.
Now, my question is....if this be the case, "What about reincarnation???"  When does a deceased person's spirit reincarnate??  Does a person's spirit reincarnate soon after they pass on of their physical form, or does their spirit remain on earth for up to a thousand years or more before reincarnation???
I dare say, that the flow of the Universe, in that of reincarnation, does NOT keep a spirit upon the earth for such a long period of time, just so as these spiritualist zines and people can conduct spirit nterviews to be published.  Of course who's to say that these spiritualists can 'channel' and communicate with spirits as the spirit is unseen (at least by we mortals) and there's no proof that the spirit contacted is in fact that of a 'famous' personality.
Now...I would say that contact with a spirit is 'very possible.'  However, this being within a 'reasonable' time span from that of their physical death, to that of which we believe them to reincarnate to another human physical form of life.  But....what is that time span...and who decides of this??? Certainly NOT the spiritualist who claims spirit contact. If they are able to  set a time limit of reincarnation, I'd say that's like a fortune teller being aable to predict a person's death.
Well, what I believe, the time of reincarnation, which is the time of a person's birth, and the time of a person's death...be known ONLY TO GOD!

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In answer to John's comments, many of the Spirits we contact have had other lives after the one we were speaking to them about.  Those in The Spirit Realm have the ability to speperate personalities in their lifeline, when individuals contacting them from The Material World wish to speak with a certain part of their existence.
This is especially true with many famous people.  For example- the wizard Merlin, and Benjamin Franklin are one and the same.
There is no set time that a Soul spends in The Spirit Realm between lifetimes.  It depends very much on the individual Soul's needs and desires.  An individual may be reincarnated only a few years after the end of one physical existence, or go thousands of years between lifetimes.  It depends solely on the individual.

Remember those who fought for us.
Veterans Day, November 11th.

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