April 21, 1999
Channeled Thorugh; Speaker Gerald A. Polley

The Tragedy in the Littleton, Colorado high school is two fold. Not only have the 13 victims suffered at the hands of the hate gang members that brutally killed them, but because of the ongoing war between the United States & The Kingdom Of God they have been denied entry into Heaven.
Despite poinant pleas from their loved ones to Peter, who now rules Heaven, to grant an exception because of what has happened to them, Peter has stood fast, saying no exceptions. Not only are these individuals citizens of The United States, but they are citizens of a state that Jesus has already condemned before the Declaration Of War.
"No pardon can be shown to anyone, as long as the people of The United States continue to allow The Dark One to rule them, and take no action to stop the butchery of his associates elsewhere. If the people of The United States wake up, then perhaps I can grant lienency. But at present they' re still ruled by their greed, and know not God. Therefore, God does not know them."
Surprisingly, the thirteen victims are doing quite well despite their circumstances. They seem to have an understanding of what is going on and even to approve when things have been explained to them. The only consolation we can have in this whole tragedy, the only thing their loved ones can take comfort in, is that those responsible for this tragedy barely survived entry into The Spirit Realm, and suffered Eternal Death almost instantaneously. Though their victims are having difficulty, they have ceased to exist forever. Their victims will go on, they will live again. But those responsible, those who have fed The Dark Ones, who have increased their power, have paid the price for serving them. They have sacrificed to them their eternal lives. These are sad times, sad times indeed.
For more information on the cause of this tragedy visit our web site at



It will give you more information on what has been happening in the last few months to cause tragedies like this.


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