By; Speaker Gerald A. Polley

The Ancient One was in the midst of a great crisis. The world was finally fighting back against a cruel dictator that had been butchering the innocent for years. And The Ancient One and his companion had been making sure that the bombs dropped in the right places, and didn't drop in the wrong ones. But this night he had to be delayed in his efforts. There was something he had to do....a promise he had to keep.
He encouraged his companion to go to the fighting without him, but his companion wanted to see what he was up to, so The Ancient One let him follow.
They flew high into the mountains where a great river of ice descended into a valley far below. The Ancient One landed by one of the streams that flowed from it, dug in the loose sand, uncovered four large stones which he used to block the stream, and cause a portion of it to flow into another channel. He then proceeded along the glacier following the new path the water was taking. It disappeared into a hole. The Ancient One nodded and again began to dig, removing a pile of stones he unearthed a great stone slab which he lifted. Beneath it were stairs which he quickly descended. His companion followed, his curiosity growing even more.
They came to what appeared to be a dead end. The Ancient One moved a stone revealing a wheel, which he turned. Then he stood back against the wall, waiting.
Some time passed, and then a rumbling began. The wall in front of them began to move up and to the left, until finally a large passage was exposed. The Ancient One continued on and came to a wall of ice before which two piles of wood had been stacked, already kindled.
"Do you mind?" he asked his companion. The man in armor quickly understood his meaning. He took a piece of flint from his belt and, striking it along his ax three times over each pile of tinder, caused a shower of sparks that quickly ignited it. Soon both fires were burning fiercely, the smoke disappearing through a hole in the ceiling. The ice before them began to melt, the water running off into channels and disappearing through the walls. Slowly three shadowy forms began to appear in it.
The man in armor walked up to them and began to examine them. The face of one became quite clear. It was a beautiful woman! Suddenly she blinked, her eyes opened, and she stared at The Axe Man with a mixture of bewilderment and anger.
"By The Throne Of Odin!" The Axe Man cried, "They're ALIVE!"
The Ancient One only nodded. "How long have they been here?" The Axe Man asked.
"Three-thousand years!" his companion answered. "Don't ask me why, I cannot speak of it, nor do not ask me where they came from, or, what they are. Just understand that them and I had confrontation ages ago and they lost. This was their punishment for what they be imprisoned here, frozen in the ice for 3,000 years."
The ice began to crack, and one at a time the women broke free. Coming out they came to the fire to warm themselves.. The Ancient One disappeared for a few moments, then came back, throwing a bundle at each woman's feet. "Modern dress," he remarked, "also, some coin of the realm, enough to sustain you for some time until you can find means of supporting yourselves.
You will now live the life span of the natives. You will grow old and eventually die. Cause no trouble and I will not bother you again. Cause any and you know what I can do!"
One woman nodded, and began to speak in a language The Axe Man did not understand, but The Ancient One nodded. He came over and touched each woman's face.
"There!" he remarked. "You have the knowledge of the local language. It is spoken in many places. It will get you by until you can learn others. Now, my friend and I must be going. There's trouble at hand and things we must deal with. I warn you NOT be a part of them!"
The Ancient One and his companion quickly emerged from the tunnel. The Ancient One undid his handiwork so the stream returned to its normal course.
"Incredible!" his companion remarked. "All of this was built three-thousand years ago and, worked?"
"We knew what we were doing," The Ancient One answered.
"Can't you tell me anything about this?" his companion pleaded.
"No!" The Ancient One snapped, "And do not ever ask me of it again in any form, do you understand?"
His companion nodded.
The Ancient One took flight, but The Axe Man hesitated a few moments. He watched the women emerge from the tunnel. He wanted to go back to ask them what it was all about, but he knew The Ancient One well enough to know that when he said no he meant "No!" So he swallowed his curiosity spun his great blade and soared after his friend. If he said leave it alone, it was best to leave it alone! But his curiosity would burn.... it would burn for a long, LONG time!




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