As we report the continuing chaos in The Spirit Realm a question has been asked that is difficult to answer. "How can Souls sacrifice Themselves, give Themselves back into The Spirit Realm to empower The Kingdom of God to carry on its struggle against The United States? How can a few Souls provide so much power?"
A Soul is made up of layer upon layer of condensed psychokenitic energy that has been deposited on it over hundreds of thousands of years. The Spirit World is made up of loose psychokenitic energy that Those in it can absorb and use for many purposes, that it would take us volumes to explain!
Basically Those who are sacrificing Themselves are going out to the edge of The Kingdom Of God and willing Their Souls to unwind, to disperse, to become loose psychokenitic energy and flow back into The Kingdom Of God. Once They start there is no turning back. The process cannot be stopped. Once the flow begins, once They start to unwind themselves They cannot stop. It is all or nothing. And Those committing this heroic act know that.
As the Soul breaks up its intelligence begins to dissolve. It is thrown off with the tiny fragments of psychokenitic energy, slowly, as the Soul unwinds the individual ceases to exist. Only loose, raw psychokenitic energy remains that flows back into The Spirit Realm, that Those There can reabsorb and use. It is a matter of pure will, of having a desire so strong to protect that that you love that you will sacrifice anything for it, even your own Eternal Existence. It has been believed for ages that when a race is in great distress, when the balance of life is in danger of collapsing that Souls were capable of doing this. This is the first time ANY have ever seen it. It is a sad yet wondrous thing...VERY sad and VERY wondrous!


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