We helped our friend Jesse, who we are staying with, put real player into his computer, and so, for the first time in ages, got to listen to our favorite radio show, Dave Wilson, out of WIBC, Indianapolis, Indiana. We e-mailed Dave telling him about moving to North Dakota, and he shortly after, started talking about it on the air, and asked us to disconnect so he could call. We did so, and had a delightful interview!
During the course of the interview he asked how Frank Sinatra was doing, where we had reported he had thrown a royal tantrum when he first arrived in The Spirit Realm and found that because of Jesus' Edict on California he couldn't get into Heaven. I explained Sinatra was doing very well. He has really taken charge of the people that have been exiled from The Kingdom Of God because of the current horrendous situation. He has literally become their spokesman!
Dave & I must've been on the same wave lengths, because I received this report from my Spirit Worker only a couple of days ago, but had not had a chance to write it down yet.


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Mr. Sinatra asked for an audience with Peter, who graciously granted him one. And before Mr. Sinatra explained his desire Peter thanked him for all that he was doing. Mr. Sinatra said it was nothing, only what any good person in the same situation would do.
"I think far more than what most would do!" Peter praised. "What is it you desire?"
"Lord," Mr. Sinatra continued, "we that have come from those places that are really defiled, understand why we are being denied entry into God's Kingdom. But the plight of the innocents, of those who have come from decent places, lived decent lives, really disturbs us. Some hope must be given them, Lord, they must have some destination to look forward to, something they can achieve, something their Loved ones can do to gain their reunion with them. I beg of you, set some condition, some circumstance that can be reached by which those who are held without may enter in."
Peter sat back and contemplated for some time. "What you say disturbs us all," he finally began, "and I do not think what you desire is unreasonable. I WILL set us a goal and point at which the innocents may be allowed to rejoin their Loved Ones!
When President Clinton is out of power, when his administration comes to an end, when Al Gore's bid for Presidency is defeated, when Hillary's bid for a senate seat is defeated, then I will let the innocents from The United States Of America enter into The Kingdom Of God, but ONLY then.
The Dark One's demon seed and his harlot cannot be rewarded for their loyalty. They cannot be given that that they were promised in exchange for their silence, in exchange for their cooperation. They knew the guilt of the one they served, they knew his evil. If man rewards them for supporting that evil, I cannot lift the Edicts. But if they put them out, if they show the world they are beginning to see their Darkness, then The Edict on the innocent can be lifted. That is the best I can do."
"That is something, Lord," Mr. Sinatra answered. "It is something to look forward to, something to dream of. Something to strive for. Thank you!"
With that Mr. Sinatra left, and was joyously welcomed by Those he is dwelling with, and, praised for the concession he was won.
Mr. Sinatra still seems to be a take charge kind of guy, he certainly does!


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