Paul Sacrifices Himself


July 5, 1999

Today The Circle Of The Apostles in The Kingdom Of God is not as bright as it usually is. People walk it in sadness, passing one house that is draped in black curtains and has black pennants flying from its spires. They ask the keeper of its gate if the news they have heard is true, and he answers "Yes, it is so." For the house they stand before is the house of Paul, who is also called Saul.
Yesterday he called his closest workers to him, blessed each one, and said "I have realized that I have done all I can. That though I have always been loyal to Our Lord And Savior there are those that will always question my motives. Some that will forever believe that I am more loyal to the ways of the priesthood, than to Jesus. I have decided this day, to prove them wrong by returning to Jesus freely and willingly that gift that He has given me to save that that He loves so much.
I choose this day because it is a day when the nation most responsible for Our Lord's betrayal celebrates the independence that was given them. I do what I do today to show them what real independence is. The Lord gave me eternal life. He sacrificed Himself for me. Now I will sacrifice myself for Him to save what He has made so it will not perish forever. I go out now, to cast myself back into The Kingdom Of God to give all that I am to sustain It, that It may traverse this great tragedy that has befallen it. That it may endure and The Lord return to It.
I give my Apostleship unto Ananias, who restored my sight and helped me to truly see. Unto him, who is perhaps more worthy than I, I give the place that is mine.
I go now. Do not grieve for me, but remember my name before God, and let it be known forever that I was His Son's true faithful servant."
Those with Paul immediately began to beg of him not to do this. They dispatched a messenger to Peter, begging him to come and stop their beloved leader before he committed himself. They followed Paul to the edge of The Kingdom Of God and continued to beg of him to desist but he would not do so.
"Fear not," he told them, "fear not, I do not pass from among you, I become part of you. You will use what I am to overcome The Darkness and keep The Light in the world. Do not be afraid for me, for I do not fear."
With this he spread his arms and began to cast himself back into The Kingdom Of God. His Soul poured out all its essence until he faded away and was gone.
His followers stood, bewildered, until Peter arrived.
"Lord!" one of them cried, "You are too late. He is gone."
Peter bowed his head. "There has passed from us," he declared, "a true and faithful servant of God, who has given his all for what he holds dear. Let The Dark Ones who have caused this thing, that made his sacrifice necessary, suffer eternal death for what they have done! What he has decreed I confirm. I recognize his successor. He is worthy, indeed."
He has said not to mourn him, but that we cannot do. From the fullness of the moon to the fullness of the moon, let his dwelling be marked for mourning. And let the people pray that his sacrifice not be in vain. The sacrifice of all that have given of themselves to sustain us must not be in vain!" This is all that was reported to me on this incident. It is all I can tell you. It is all I want to tell.


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