July 20, 1999

It is my sad duty to announce to the world that on July 19, 1999 at 8:55 c.s.t. U.S. the soul known on Earth as John F. Kennedy Jr. gave up the struggle for existence and succumbed to The Second Death, ceasing to exist forever. A few minutes later his wife, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, too, succumbed to Eternal Night.
Mr. Kennedy was overwhelmed by the horror now occurring in The Kingdom Of God (Heaven) and the fact that because his uncle supported President Clinton and voted against impeachment that his family is held greatly responsible for the situation.
Mr. Kennedy's parents, the Former President and First Lady rushed to his side shortly after his arrival in The Spirit Realm and tried to comfort him, but to no avail. When he became aware that members of his own family had sacrificed themselves, given up their Eternal Existence to sustain Heaven in The Great Crisis It is enduring, it was simply too much for him to bear.
His wife was also comforted by members of her family, but she, too, could not be reached in time. These are sad occurences, the worst of times. It is with heavy heart we must release this information. These are sad, sad times indeed!


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