August 10, 1999

It seems like every other day we are reporting some strange new phenomena in The Spirit Realm! The imbalance there is causing some unusual situations. But a real odd one has been noticed in the last couple of months. Thousands of elderly people in their 70s and 80s who are far from their time of entering The Spirit Realm have been visiting it almost nightly, spending almost their entire sleep period in The Spirit Realm conversing with old friends, comforting Those who have been caught in the Edicts, and acting very much like They are permanent residents.
This phenomena does occur but usually only when a person is in a vegatative state in their material form. These people are perfectly healthy in their material form!
Apperantly at the moment, their material forms are not aware of what they are doing at night, or, if they are, it is at a very basic level. These early visitors SEEM to be bringing extra energy with them! The areas they visit seem to be more charged than the rest of The Spirit Realm. And Those there are able to help those suffering from their misdeeds much better. There is still not enough energy to go around, but these early residents seem to be helping! And it doesn't seem, at present, to be doing them any physical harm.
We can only hope that this continues. But how long it can we do not know. However, ANY kind of relief is appreciated, it is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!


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It has long been believed by those who practice The Mystic Arts, that crystals and certain stones draw and store positive energy that can be drawn out of them and used when needed. It is also believed that wearing a crystal or having one on your person surrounds your body with a positive shield that wards off evil.
Some people believe these ideas are purely superstition, others swear by them. We believe that there is at least some truth in all legends, but each individual will have to decide for themselves.


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