21. How can individuals such as Nazi 1and other persons who were extremely evil exist in The Spirit Realm with the good?

A. How do they exist in the material world with the good? When a person realizes their errors and goes to work to undo the evil they have done, they are welcomed, more or less, by Those in The Spirit Realm. I would not say that Nazi 1 runs around Israel very often, but when he offers his help to those in need it is just as welcome as from anyone else.
22. Can people lie in The Spirit Realm?

A. Yes. But everyone talking to them would immediately know they're lying, and eventually get the truth out of them. People very quickly learn this and stop making any attempts to deceive. As long as someone keeps what they're doing a secret, they can sometimes get away with things, but not usually for very long.

23. How do people in The Spirit Realm communicate?

A. Again it depends on the era in which you choose to liveEvery type of communication is available in The Spirit Realm. But it is all very rapid. Say, someone living in 15th century England wanted to communicate with someone in 20th century Chicago. They would write a note, put it in an envelope, and give it to a messenger. Within moments that envelope would appear in the vacinity of the individual the message was meant for. That individual could pick up his telephone, tell the operator the message he wanted sent back, and within moments it would arrive back at his friend's residence. I know it all sounds kind of silly, Spirits can communicate directly, but it uses a lot of energy. These systems are a little slower, but cause no strain.

24. This is an interesting answer but it's not quite what I meant. Do Spirits actually speak to each other? How do They communicate?

A. Each Spirit speaks in Their own language, but the person hearing perceives Their thoughts and translates those thoughts into Their own language. Communication is on a much higher level than it is in the material realm. Emotions can also be felt, so commuinication is much more intimate than it is among the living.

25. Are the more advanced Spirits separated from the lesser advanced Spirits? I have heard talk of something called "planes" or "levels" that a person must travel through. Do these really exist?

A. No. Everyone exists in The Spirit World on the same level. As we mentioned before, some areas exist on different harmonic levels, but a weaker Spirit can avail Themselves of a transportation system and go anywhere. This idea of planes, or, levels, was made up by people who did not believe in reincarnation, to explain why some of their friends kept disappearing. Not accepting reincarnation, They came up with the idea that They had gone on to a higher level of existence, that They had not yet obtained, which is purely foolish!

(Cont'd Next Issue.)

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