October 2, 1999


I am Peter, called The Saint, and, The Rock, and in the absence of Our Lord And Salvation, Ruler Of Heaven. I come to you this day, to tell you that without doubt there is a Dark One, a Demon in your midst. And I do not speak of the one that now dwells in your White House. But I speak of another, who, by his own words, by his own ignorance, has exposed the Darkness in his soul, and shown himself for the foul creature that he is, and damned himself for all eternity. I speak of that one who is known to mankind as Pat Buchanan. If ever a man has doomed himself, this man has!
For not only does he say that his mighty people should not protect the helpless and the innocent, should not be concerned with the world around them, should not slay the tyrants and free the oppressed. This, alone would be enough to damn him. For he has forgotten Our Lord's greatest Commandment; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." No! This is not what has damned him. What has damned him is, he has dared, in his profound ignorance, in his profound loathsomeness, to say that his barbaric ancestors are superior to The Chosen Of God! That these butchers are superior to God's precious Blood, and it was right for them to persecute The Chosen Of God, and murder them. HE HAS PUT HIS PEOPLE ABOVE THE PEOPLE OF GOD, AND THAT DAMNS HIM, FOREVER!! And it damns any that follow him or, any that think like him!
True, many of these people have risen to great places in The Kingdom Of God once they've cast off the barbaric ways of their people, and accepted the Blood of Him who gave them Salvation,and through that Blood became worthy to enter into The Kingdom Of God. But this foul creature has forgotten that it was a Child Of Isreal, one of those Chosen People, that gave His Blood, that gave His Life that they might be made acceptable. That the people of ANY LAND might be made acceptable to enter into God's Kingdom! HOW DARE THIS FOUL CREATURE SAY ANY COULD BE ABOVE THE CHOSEN OF GOD? HOW COULD ANY MAN BE SO DILUDED?
I tell you now, BEWARE, BEWARE OF THIS FOUL CREATURE AND ANY LIKE HIM! Any people through The Blood Of Our Savior can rise to equality with The Chosen Of God, but they will never, EVER become superior to them! NONE EVER CAN!!! And any that teach that their particular Ancestors are superior to those that God anointed as His Own, are doomed! Even those who have FALLEN FROM HEAVEN do not dare say they are superior to God's chosen, only their equals. And if the fallen dare not say this, how DARE a mere Son Of Earth dare claim that his people are superior to The Blood Of Isreal? I TELL YOU NEVER!!!!! And I will repeat, any, ANY who claim to be of God and condemn The Children Of Israel and say they are superior to them are of The Darkness and DOOMED to Eternal Death, as this foul creature that now leads them is doomed to Eternal Death. He will wail "Lord, I served you! Why have you forsaken me?" And a voice will answer him, "You forsook My Own! You cursed My Children and thereby sealed your doom!" Listen to me. LISTEN TO ME! Save yourselves! Return to God. Turn from these Dark Ones. The Hour is NOT TOO LATE! Many of you can never enter into God's Kingdom again. But you can live. You can have Eternal Life. Turn from these Dark Creatures, do not be drawn into their deception.. Live, live forever. Do not follow this demon Pat Buchanan to your doom. I can say no more to you. I have said enough. I have said things that should never EVER have been necessary to say. I bid you leave.

Peter, Lord Of Heaven


October 10, 1999

The situation in The Spirit Realm in the Afterlife, is so difficult, and, so incredible that it is sometimes very hard to report what is happening, to express it in a way that the living will understand. What I am going to tell you now is one of those things. It is just so beyond belief that it is hard to find words to describe it. But as best as I can I will tell you The Catholic Church in The Spirit Realm is collapsing, simply disintegrating! So many of their leaders were involved in the betrayal of Jesus and been expelled from Heaven to suffer The Second Death, that those remaining simply cannot control their followers. Again and again they are unjustly accused of not putting their full efforts into the war against The United States. Again and again their people complain that they are not being properly led, that their leadership is hinting that perhaps their old leaders did what was right. The Church simply cannot function, the people have no faith, whatsoever, in their leadership ]
The problem is that most other societies in the community of God are incapable of helping. They, themselves, barely have enough leaders. Only one society in The Kingdom Of God has enough leadership....QUALITY leadership, to spare any. That is The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, commonly called The Mormons. So Peter, who is now Lord Of Heaven in the absence of Jesus, has issued an incredible decree! The leaders of The Mormon Church are to take over the leadership of The Catholic Church. The Catholic leaders are to be scattered among The Mormon ranks, taking minor leadership positions, where those under them can closely monitor them. The entire Catholic leadership is to be replaced with Mormons all of whom stayed loyal to Jesus when others in The Spirit Realm betrayed Him. Brigham Young, who has been given leadership of The Mormon Church when Joseph Smith was made Keeper Of The Gates Of Heaven, will take complete control of all Catholic affairs in The Spirit Realm. All Popes, Bishops, and all Cardinals will be replaced with Mormons.
This is absolutely incredible! Nothing like this has EVER happened before, but there is no resentment, whatsoever, among the rank and file Catholics in The Spirit Realm. They welcome these new leaders joyously. They express their total faith in them and seem to be throwing themselves into even greater effort and those that have been removed seem to be doing quite well in their new positions. Those serving them seem to be able to tell that they are sincere and are doing their best in this horrible situation.
Perhaps in time, when this horror passes, their own people can come to trust them again, and they can return to their original posts. For many are well deserving of them. That The Dark One's power in Washington could so corrupt The Spirit Realm, that people can no longer trust their sincere leaders, is only another example of the severity of the situation that we are in.
The Dark One's power had been stopped...at a high cost. It can no longer enter The Spirit Realm, but until the people stop feeding it, stop praying for him, and restore the normal flow of energy, the damage that he has already done will take decades to repair. The distrust, greed and jealousy that he has put in the souls of some of those that dwell in The Kingdom Of God will take a long time to remove. It will take a long time to restore its total harmony. How, HOW could the people of The United States have let his foul creature get so much power? How could they have permitted it?

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