January 31, 2,000

We had one of those crazy things happen yesterday that I wasn't sure rather we should let you know about or not, but decided it should be told. John Lennon came to me and said "We heard that Korn, the rock group, is going to be performing in your area. I've got a song for them. You can give it to them, to help with the Work."
Well, this immediately peaked my curiosity because I was aware of the type of music that Korn did and couldn't imagine John writing anything for them. When he started to play this song and sing it I couldn't even let him finish it. "Whoa, John, whoa!" I said. "What is going on here? We can't release something like that! Where did you get that? There's no way that was your work!"
John answered, "Well, really it isn't, it's Kurt Cobaine's. He called me to the hospital where he's residing, told me he'd made up this piece, and asked me to give it to you. I don't particularly like it either, but I thought if it was the type of thing these people did and helped the Work it would be all right."
"Really, John," I answered, "there's no way I could have Linda going on the radio singing that. I couldn't even have her doing a demo of it to send out so people could get the music right! Really would you want your son singing that kind of thing?"
"Well, no," John answered, "He DOESN'T does he?"
"I don't think so," I assured him, "I HOPE not!" Let's just let this one go by, forget about it, stick with your work and anything else decent that comes along; nothing like this again, o.k?"
"Sure," John answered, "didn't mean to upset you." "Oh, you didn't upset me," I told him, "you just shocked me! Don't worry about it."
I got home and told Linda the few lyrics of the song I remembered, and she said too, "No way!" Sometimes people mean well but you simply have to draw the line.

February 2, 2,000

Well, here's another one of those good ones that's rather hard to explain! The kind of nonsense you just shake your head at and wonder how could people be so stupid, even in The Afterlife?
We were expecting a row because of John Lennon's attempt to have us bring through Kurt Cobaine's song. We never expected what happened!
A committee came to Peter demanding that John be immediately expelled from his position as leader of The Angelic Choir. "It is little wonder," they said "that he would promote such obscenity, considering that each afternoon him and The Angelic Choir stop work and listen to their associate in the material realm read their obscene books. This is not fair, or, right because no one else in The Spirit Realm is allowed any entertainment. And why should those in The Kingdom Of God, those in The Angelic Choir, listen to such foulness as these works of immorality?"
(To explain this each afternoon when I come home Linda reads some of the fiction stories we have written. John Lennon goes nuts over them, loves to listen to Linda read them along with me. And the rest of The Angelic Choir takes a break and listens too.)
For a few moments Peter was taken back. Then he became irate. "Who are you," he demanded, "that you should call Demetrius' works obscene? I have read all his works. I would call none obscene. Some are quite explicit in describing some intimate relations, but I would call none obscene. And my wife says those questionable parts are necessary for one to understand the depth of his charachters.
I have listened to Alura reading some of my favorite stories that he has written. The one about the policeman going to the world in another dimension where the women were dominant, the one about the brave crew of the ship going to rescue the people on the doomed island. I thoroughly enjoy these readings, myself. My wife, half the time, acts like the charachters are real. She cries for Susan and Sarah as if they were real souls that were troubled.
Your words trouble me. They trouble me greatly! What is the true reason you attack Demetrius' work? Is it that his valiant heroes often attack the hypocrites and the foul priesthood whose traditions you still hold in your hearts and cherish, even though you have been told they are unacceptable? That Mr. Lennon takes this little bit of time each day is not inappropriate. The energy expended is returned tenfold. His music is all that is keeping The Kingdom Of God united, all that is binding it together. He is the greatest hope we have of saving mankind. He works tirelessly, night and day, trying to reach those that still appreciate his efforts and, to get them to help Demetrius spread the word of what is happening to us. It is necessary that the bond between him and Demetrius be reestablished, and if this bit ofcomforting each day reestablishes that bond, all well and good.
There will be no more talk of obscene work! Demetrius stopped this unfortunateness before it was a problem. No difficulty should have been made about it. No further difficulty WILL be made about it! Now depart. I have spoken. That is all that will be said. If no more comes of it no one will be punished. If it is spread about any more those responsible will be expelled, and you will not be warned again. Go!"
The committee hastily departed. We thought this would be the end of it. We were even considering not sending out this message, simply letting it drop, but later on in the evening eight members of The Angelic Choir announced they were resigning, that they could no longer endure the attacks on their former faith. Though they understand in many ways it was in error, it still did much good. Their people had a right to protest. They had a right to object to what they felt was immoral. They, themselves, found little fault with the readings, but it was their peoples' right to speak up, to express their views, and the constant degrading of their peoples' way that they were protesting for. Peter immediately had them stripped of their crowns and cast out of The Kingdom Of God, stating that he had warned them no further discourse on this subject would be tolerated.
John Lennon was deeply upset. A report earlier that one of the radio stations that called us the other day totally humiliated us after we had gone off the phone deeply upset him. This further nonsense has upset him even more. He tended his resignation and said he wanted to shut down our effort, as it was taking too long, people were not responding fast enough. It was not getting the funds we needed to pay our way and do the radio advertising that Peter wanted. Fortunately, all around him begged him to stay, to not give up. They expressed to him how desperately they needed him.
"This is only eight out of a thousand," they pleaded. "a tiny portion. None of them will be lost, they have gone to be with those that still practice their peoples' ways here in The Spirit Realm. None of them will perish. Please, please do not desert us! We cannot endure without you."
After many such pleas John withdrew his resignation. But he is still deeply hurt again. New members are being sought to fill the gap in The Angelic Choir. Hopefully this damage can be quickly repaired. But what would help most would be if John's work was really accepted in the material realm, if we could get it out there so everybody could hear it, then I think the greater majority of the people would accept it. We definitely can't endure too many more setbacks.

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