June 16, 2,000
A Glimer Of Hope

As we reported some time ago, Jesus is so far away from Earth it takes three months for a message to get to Him and a reply to come back. His people were in a state of desperation so they sent a messge to Him begging Him to return close enough that if they defeat Hillary & Gore in November, that Jesus might return to Earth before New Years. I guess the plea was profound because we have received a reply that Jesus has agreed. On November 2 He will be close enough to Earth that if Hillary & Gore are defeated He will be able to return on Christmas Eve. He will still not take any authority. He will not even give counsel until Clinton is out of power. But He will return. It is a tiny glimmer of hope but it all depends on the decent people of The United States rallying and defeating the two creatures of Darkness that so appeal to them.
The problem is, The Kingdom Of God can't stand Gore's leading opponant, Bush! He is just so obnoxious to Them as to be sickening. But They may have no choice but to throw all their power behind him in order to defeat Gore. That he is such a dirty, defiled politician that it is going to be very hard for Them to suport him. They wish so much that a decent candidate could rise up out of the opposing party that could be something The United States could be proud to have lead them. But sadly such a politician probably does not exist in The United States. This is a sad, sad truth, but a truth nonetheless.
The people of The United States feel in their hearts what is going on. They know everything their politicians are doing is totally unacceptable. But their new prayer is "Economic prosperity at any cost. If our leaders cheat, if our leaders lie, if our leaders betray the people of other nations, all well and good. As long as they keep us prosperous!" It is a sad, sad world. On another note we sent emails all over the country and all over the world telling about the proposal to have the apostleship vacated by Lord Paul taken over by John Lennon, formerly of The Beatles. But there was absolutely no response from anywhere.
And Peter feels that if John Lennon cannot manifest power in bothworlds, if the living do not respond to him as well as the dead, he cannot bestow on him an apostleship. As John has been unble to get his CD produced, or, o find a publisher for any of our books, Peter cannot bestow on him such a high office because in order for one toclaim an apostleship he must have a considerable following in both worlds that will respond to his instructions. As the living reject what he is giving, as incredible as it is , the apostleship will have to be withdrawn. This is a great disappointment to all of John Lennon's followers in The Afterlife.
We received an obnoxious email from someone saying that our music from John Lennon was crap and that he was sending it to Capitol Records, and that he hoped Yoko would sue us. That John was not religious. Well I, presonally think that John was a lot more religious in his lifetime than he wanted people to think, and even if he wasn't that really doesn't matter. Because he became religious in The Afterlife, and I'll tell you how it happened.
During his 17 years of self imposed isolation he allowed very few visitors to his apartment, but one he did allow was Mary, the mother of Jesus, who adored Let It Be. And he could not refuse her requests for visits. It was through their long conversations that John learned the truth of The Afterlife and spiritual teachings. He came to adore Mary, as just about everyone else in The Spirit Realm does. When she announced that she was leaving Earth because she could not stay and watch her beloved children die, John was overwhelmed. He wrote Abide With Us Again as a tribute for her departure and then began his work with The Angelic Choir to insure her return.
He has thrown himself into the battle to save mankind. Jesus also visited John on several occasions, and I'm sure their conversations also led to his awakening and desire to serve. No matter what one believed in their lifetime death profoundly changes them. They become aware of the truth, and the truth changes them. They can never be the same. For some the change comes very quickly, for others it takes a great deal of time. But people do not stay the same in The Afterlife. The truth is there. They can resist it for a time, but not forever. And when you are associating with two of the greatest givers of truth its pretty hard to hold on to any falsity that you picked up in your lifetime. Pretty damned hard, indeed.
If you are basically good, that goodness is going to come out. There's simply no stopping it. And is John's goodness ever coming out! It appears, also, we have been unable to reach any in Vermont to organize the buyers' strike against the civil union act. It appears the homosexual supporters have taken over the state. Those who oppose homosexuality have surrendered their children to sodomy, and given up the fight for decency.They can't be troubled any more...too inconvenient for them. We will sill be seeking those that are still willing to fight to save their children, but there does not seem to be many that care any more.
How sad it will be for those who will not fight when they go into The Afterlife if their children have died before them. and ask "Where is my son? Where is my daughter?" only to be told "You accepted sodomy. You let them be led into damnation. You destroyed their souls, they are gone, they are no more." How bitter will that moment for those poor souls that simply couldn't be bothered any more, as it was so bitter for John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. when he got to The Spirit World and found that his grandmother had sacrificed herself to save The Kingdom Of God. His grief so overwhelmed him that it drove him to The Second Death, to eternal non-existence, and his wife quickly followed.
How terrible it will be for the rich and powerful who think they are above the law...untouchable. How terrible it will be when they find out how truly pitiful they are, how truly damned they are.

FOOTNOTE: The Ian Heller Show at www.eyada.com will be using the theme song Linda channeled written by John Lennon and Johann Sebastian Bach this weekend, and frequently thereafter. The shows will be featured in the archives for the entire week if you don't catch the original broadcasts. We're not exactly sure which day this will be played on Saturday or, on Sunday, but we just wanted to let people know.

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