By; Speaker Gerald A. Polley

The Ancient One had had to call out the reinforcements. His second companion was with him tonight, but there was one less covert government operation for them to worry about. It was now only a journey home. Suddenly something rose in front of them. It had once been a woman, but it was barely recognizable. The Ancient One's female companion gasped, as they all came to a halt. The creature of darkness stared at them for a moment, then beckoned, turned, and headed away. The Ancient One and his companions followed.
They came to a cluster of buildings secluded some distance from a small community. The Ancient One saw a sign as they flew over; "Maninkoff Girls' Academy." There was a Star Of David on the top of the sign. They landed in the yard and the dark creature pointed. About twenty men were at the double doors of one of the buildings. They had a picnic table they were using as a battering ram against the doors. One of the men was screaming "You're going to regret this, girls! You're only making it worse for yourselves! Give it up! If you cooperate it won't be all that bad."
The Ancient One started forward, but his female companion grabbed his arm. "Keep out of this!" she snapped. "They're mine!" The Ancient One nodded. The doors gave way and the men rushed inside. The Ancient One and his other companion followed, hovering near the ceiling to watch the fun. The building was a gymnasium. The girls had built a barricade in one corner. There were several older women with them. Four of the girls had bolt action rifles, and one of the women had a pistol. The rest of the older girls had all sorts of sports equipment.
"They're just not going to make this easy!" the mens' leader cried, pulling out a pistol. At that moment there was a whooshing sound. A young woman flew in the door, hovered for a moment in the air, one fist risen upward, then descended to the floor, her long blonde hair blowing out behind her. She wore a simple exercise outfit of deep blue, that had puffy short sleeves and a tiny skirt that went to the crotch. Below this was skin tight blue nylons, and on her feet were red boots that came up her legs to just below the knees. On her chest was The Star Of David. "Wrong symbol!" The Ancient One's regular companion muttered.
"She's taking artistic liberties!" The Ancient One answered.
"Hello, boys!" the young woman remarked. The men turned, wide eyed.
"Whoa, mama!" one of them cried. "Come to daddy, baby!" He stepped forward and reached for the young woman. She grabbed his shirt and with a heave sent him flying out the door. A loud crash was heard outside.
"Don't ever call me BABY!" the woman snapped. "I'm a woman!"
"What to hell?!" the mens' leader screamed. "GET HER!" The men rushed in from all sides, and began to go flying in all directions.
"I'll be back!" The Ancient One muttered. "She'll keep this up for a while." He went outside and found the first man who had been thrown driven through the side of a car. He was gasping for breath. The Ancient One knew he wouldn't last much longer. The demon stood watching him, licking its lips. It glanced at The Ancient One but as he made no moves to drive it off, it stayed.
The Ancient One reached in the car and pulled out a white costume with a hood. "Thought so!" he muttered. "Had to be this kind of crap!" He saw a cell phone laying on the car seat, picked it up, dialed 911, and reported what was going on. When he was sure assistance was coming he rejoined the melee inside. The man expired as he walked off. The Ancient One heard the demon start to feed but said "What to heck? We owe her that one!"
Very few of the men were still standing. Their leader was screaming at them to do something. "We're trying!" one of them answered.
Their leader drew a pistol. "Well, I'LL stop her!" he screamed.
The Ancient One watched his female companion. "Remember what I've taught you!" he muttered. "Stand absolutely still. Full density to the outside. Think "repell"."
The man's gun fired. The bullet could be seen bouncing off the woman's chest. He fired again, and one of his companions cried out as the riccochet struck him. A third time he fired, and another of his companions screamed. "Jesus Christ!" the man cried.
"Now!" The Ancient One thought, "Burn him! Concentrate the beam." Suddenly two red beams shot from the woman's eyes, and struck the man's gun. In an instant it glowed red hot, and exploded. The man screamed, looking at his bloody hand, then sank to his knees, weeping like a child. Suddenly one of the men who the woman had thrown over the barricade gained his feet and put a gun to one of the girls' heads.
"Enough!" he screamed, "Enough! We're getting out of here! Leave us alone! I'm taking little sweetie, here, with us. You hurt anybody else and I'll blow her brains out! You blow up this gun, you'll take her head off."
The Ancient One looked to his companion floating by the roof. He made a cutting motion, and his companion understood. He threw him his axe. The Ancient One stepped outside, concentrated, and the axe became a hammer. He stepped back, took a running start, and hurled the hammer. It became visible as it flew through the door. It struck the man's hand holding the gun, carried it to the wall behind him, and drove it into it. The man gave a horrid cry as the hammer dislodged and flew back out the door. The Ancient One caught it and it became an axe again.
One of the girls picked up the man's gun and screamed at him to get down. "I think ALL of you had better get down!" the woman in blue screamed. "Get down in that corner on your hands and knees, with your fingers locked on top of your heads until the authorities get here, which won't take long! You cut the phone lines and turned off their cell phones, but you forgot some of YOU had one. Ladies, I think you can handle them from here! Good night!" She turned around, sped out the door and disappeared.
"Who in the hell WAS that?" the mens' leader cried.
"A woman," one of the women coming up answered. "One HELL of a woman!"
The Ancient One and his companion joined their friend. His male companion was laughing so hard he could barely maintain his flight. "How are they going to deal with that?" he asked.
"Very quietly," The Ancient One answered. "They won't want it getting around. It will be taken care of, but with very little fanfare. Will you change back?" he told his female companion.
"Why?" she asked. "I kind of like this outfit!"
"It's not you!" The Ancient One answered.
Giggling, his companion took on her true form. "You know, that's going to hurt in the morning," he told her.
She only smiled, and they journeyed on, homeward.


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