June 8, 2,000
Another Spiritist Interviewed Online

We don't usually send out mid-week transmissions, however something important has happened you may want to check out. The New York Press has published an interview with one of our close associates in New York, in which Gerald Polley is mentioned as his Spiritual advisor. You can find this at;


Click on the very first article link, New York City, "Astro Traveling WIth A Spiritist," by Andrey Slivka, and enjoy! Let us know what you think of it. We love it and wish more people would write articles like this about the Work we do. Also be sure to check your email Monday, because there's something special coming you won't want to miss!
(At the publication date of this issue of Voices the article above is still available at the New York Press, in the archives.)



June 9, 2,000
Why Is All This Happening?

We are asked to explain again why Jesus has abandoned mankind. The Bible promises that He would love us forever. What could have possibly happened that Jesus would forsake us? We have to go back a bit to make the situation fully understandable.

Back in January, 1997, Jesus declared the Edict that all who worship God were to leave California and Hawaii. Discourse began to grow in The Kingdom Of God.

On August 21, 1998, Jesus and the rest of The Spirit World began to demand that President Clinton be impeached. Opposition in The Kingdom Of God grew even more.

In the elections on November 2, 1998, The Kingdom Of God had it arranged that Clinton's supporters would be defeated and that his impeachment would be insured. At the last moment spirits who were members of The Kingdom Of God, who had sworn absolute loyalty to Jesus in all things went into the material world and betrayed Him, whispered in the livings' ears to support Clinton and those who followed him. They caused Clinton's supporters to win the elections. Almost a million of them were expelled from Heaven for betraying Jesus. This was the first time He was betrayed by His own people.

On November 10 Jesus resigned leaving Peter in charge of Heaven, throwing The Kingdom Of God into total chaos. Because so many souls were praying for Clinton, denying his evil, very little power is flowing into The Spirit Realm. The Kingdom Of God begins to collapse. To save It Souls actually start to sacrifice Themselves, disperse the energy they have stored for centuries back into The Kingdom Of God, ceasing to exist to empower The Kingdom Of God, to give It the energy to continue the battle.

On Christmas Eve, 1999, The Kingdom Of God tries a massive effort to reach the American people, to make them understand what is happening, to turn against Clinton and save mankind. To everyone's horror spirits in The Kingdom Of God again betray Jesus for a second time, and use the energy given by Those that sacrificed Themselves against Jesus and The Kingdom Of God, telling the people in the material realm to support Clinton. This unthinkable horror was the final straw! Jesus said "the people of Earth, those in my own Kingdom will no longer obey me. They have chosen a new god and a new law...economic stability is everything. Nothing else matters. Nothing must interfere with it or those that give us it. Jesus is wrong in attacking our Earthly leaders. They have chosen. They do not want me. I am leaving."

And on New Year's Eve, 1999, at 11:45 He departed from Earth, swearing never to return as long as Clinton or any of his demonseed are in power. That is basically what has happened, the unthinkable, the unbelievable, the totally unconsionable. The people of Earth have betrayed Jesus, the people of The United States, in particular. But all peoples who put their material leader's wishes above what is right, who say that "We can do evil, God will forgive it because our leaders are powerful and give us the right to do so, they are above all law, all truth. They make us powerful so we will worship them above Him who gave us His life to save our souls."

This is why Jesus has left. This is why the promises in The Bible are no longer valid. Because in the name of economic security, in the name of prosperity unspeakable, unbelievable evil has been done. That is why the Light of Christianity has left the world. And if what is happening in The United States cannot be stopped it will doom all of mankind. For without that Light they cannot survive. These are unbelievable situations, unthinkable happenings, but they have happened, and, they are true. And we need all of you to turn them around, to make things right and there's not much time to do it. Hillary and Gore must be defeated! Israel must be saved. Reason must return to the world and only if the people unite, if the living realize what they're doing and stop it can we succeed.

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