August 21, 2,000
Flag Proposal

Today's email is a cartoon. I created it some time ago and happened across it Saturday. John Lennon was so delighted by it he begged me to share it with the public. We wanted to send it directly but it wouldn't go out on our mail server. So we had to set up a web page for it. You can see it at

We have been busy this weekend. One of our associates sent us a flier from The American Conservative Union listing all of Hillary Clinton's scandals. They missed a couple! We found The Union's web site and sent them the email of August 6, 2,000. We found a great link on their site with the addresses of many other conservative organizations and emailed 56 more of them. We are desperately still trying to find sponsorship for a nationwide newspaper ad campaign to tell people what will happen if Hillary & Gore become elected. We hope in a couple of days, to have the poposed ad set up on a web page so people can see it. The battle continues, and, will continue until the victory is won.

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