August 29, 2,000
Nixon Says Phooey!

While making our morning check of Wireless Flash, one of our favorite news services, we found a mention of a report that the ghost of President Nixon was answering allegations that he beat his wife in such a way as to indicate the allegations might be true. Apparently Mr. Nixon was already aware of these reports because my Spirit Worker informed me that he denies them explicitly. She says Nixon told her him and his wife had a few spats, as any married couple sometimes do. But if any beating occurred, he probably got the worst of it. He guarantees to everyone that his wife was a woman that would not take a beating from anyone, despite her public fissad.
Nixon says he is going to have a great deal to say to the individuals that have been spreading these reports when he has the opportunity to confront them. "To say their eternal existence is going to be unpleasant," Nixon remarks, "is a vast understatement! These people are going to wish they had never been born when I get done with them. There are some things you do not do for fame and money, and these actions are most definitely among them."
There was also a report that someone was making up a conspiracy plot for Princess Di's death. As we reported shortly after her death, it was caused by a demon taking advantage of her driver's drunken condition to kill so it could feed. There was no conspiracy. The paparazzi's harassment contributed to the situation, but the main cause was the drunken driver giving control of his body over to the demon who deliberately crashed the vehicle in order to feed. This was the only conspiracy, none other.
Since her coronation as Queen, Di has been doing very well. She has been one of the anchors holding the English section of The Kingdom Of God together in these tragic times, and helping to continue the battle against The Dark One in Washington. And speaking of The Dark One in Washington, we have been doing some checking on how much it would cost to place Lord Peter's ad even in a little local advertising paper. They want $495.00 for an 8 1/2 X 11 section, $841.00 for a full page! We can't imagine what the same space would be in a major national newspaper! No wonder political campaigns cost so much. But Lord Peter still believes there are individuals out there with the financial resources to publish his ad in major newspapers across the country, and to get it on radio and television. He still has faith that there actually are people that care, that somehow we can turn this situation around, get rid of Clinton, Hillary and Gore, and bring Jesus and Mary back to Earth. Great is the faith of Those That Truly Believe. Unfortunately there are so very few of Them, so very few of Them, indeed!
Don't forget! Speaker Gerald Polley will be available for morning interviews during his vacation September 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th. Now is the best time to book your appointments.

August 30, 2,000
California Justices Listen To The Angels

Kingdom Of God elated that The Supreme Court Justices listened to the Angels and blocked the legalization of marijuana in California, spoke against its legal distribution supposedly as medicine. It is surprising that the court actually seems to be listening to The Angelic Messengers lately!
I heard a foolish report the other day that said that the major drug dealers don't want drugs legalized. This is a joke! Of course they do! If drugs are legalized they would be legal. They would be legitimate manufacturers and distributors. They could pay taxes, live in luxury and freedom like the producers of tobacco and alcohol, safe from prosecution because of the lives their products have destroyed. Fortunately there is a Higher Justice and every single person that sells products that destroys the health of others and the minds of others will stand in Judgment and be held accountable. Their hours of existence are numbered. It's so unfortunate that many blindly follow them into oblivion. But perhaps some are waking up, perhaps

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