September 1, 2,000
John Lennon Plagiarizing?

We got a mention about John Lennon's new song from The Spirit Realm in Wireless Flash today. But John's a little disappointed that they say his song is plagiarism of Country Joe McDonald's song from 1965. John remembers this song, of course, and it definitely inspired his because he liked that 1, 2, 3 marching type of thing, which was the basis of his song. But he thinks his song is definitely different enough that people could easily tell it's not the same piece. To John plagiarism is taking a song like "Put A Little Love In Your Heart", changing a couple of words, giving it the title "Help Your Fellow Man" and distributing it as your own. That would be plagiarism. His song and Country Joe McDonald's are substantially different.
But he is absolutely delighted that such a great founder of rock and roll called Linda, had her sing his song, and liked it! He would be even more delighted if Country Joe McDonald recorded the number and distributed it, of course giving John due credit for the lyrics. He would be absolutely overjoyed, and so would The Kingdom Of God. For such a recording would surely help Their efforts to save mankind. But John says definitely no, his work is not plagiarism. He was inspired by a great performer of the past and added some of the aspects of his work to his own. But he did not copy his work.

You can hear a demo of John's new song at;

We've also sent a letter to The Daily Express in England. Apparently they published an article saying that someone named Robbie Williams has channeled a song from John Lennon. John states without question, that this is a total and complete fabrication. We are the only ones he channels through, the only ones he has EVER channeled through, and the only ones he WILL ever channel through because we work for Lord Peter and are striving to save mankind, and, The Kingdom Of God. Anyone other than us claiming that they have gotten anything from him are either lying or being deceived by creatures of darkness.
"It is hard enough," John says, "working with true Bearers Of The Light than every Tom, Dick, and Harriet that thinks they're psychics. No one has any true conception what it is like communicating with someone in the material world from The Afterlife. It is horrendous effort for both and not done frivolously."
On another note, someone asked if we were disappointed that the bomb in Columbia didn't kill President Clinton. We answered with a resounding NO! The last thing in the world we want is for Clinton to be assassinated. That would make him a martyr for their cause, and probably help Hillary & Gore's campaign, especially Hillary's. The sympathy vote would be horrendous! No, we don't want Clinton dead, we want to expose every sleazy, dirty illegal thing he did until the public realizes the foul and dark creature that he is and drives him from office. We want to destroy his political power and, the political power of his associates. We do not want to destroy him. We want him to live a good long time, ridiculed by the public, and knowing what awaits him at the moment of his death...damnation and Eternal Death. That's what we want for Clinton, not an heroic death, and to be compared with Lincoln, Garfield, and Kennedy. He would not deserve to be associated with such.

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