September 13, 2,000
Angels Using Bush

The continued attack of Gore's people on the Boy Scouts because they will not accept his party's pervert agenda and accept the insane into their organization appalls even The Kingdom Of God, who have seen all manner of evil. As the debate was transmitted to them last night they could not believe the statements of those supporting Gore. The other members of his party, as they attacked The Boy Scouts, calling them indecent, cruel, and unfair because they recognize the moral wrong of homosexuality.
The Gore team continues to reach out for the perverted across the country as they are desperate for any votes they can get It still totally amazes us that many basically decent people simply close their eyes and ignore what their candidate is doing because they think he supports some issue that they are in favor of, and do not think that Gore does not have a part in these proceedings. As the possible future leader of his party all actions his cronies take are approved by him. Little wonder the Angels used Bush's commercial to express the truth of what Gore and his people are. They sincerely apologize to the programmers They used to change the end of the commercial. These programmers might remember that they first put in the word demons, but then the Angels realized this was too long and They wanted a shorter word that would carry as much empaisis. So They chose rats, which is an ample description of Gore and all his people: scavenging parasites that live off the hard work of others, and spread disease and pestilence. Yes, the Angels chose a very good comparison, indeed. The Bush people are taking criticism for this happening, taking the blame for it. But they are not truly responsible. They were only the hands that The Kingdom Of God used to help spread Its message. They were delighted to see that many members of Gore's party stood up against his master's plan and supported the Boy Scouts, and their right to choose who they will associate with.
Who will the perverts be attacking next? Whose charter will they be trying to revoke because they will not support pervertism, because they will not accept those engaged in the sin of sodomy, because they dare teach that these acts are immoral, and, wrong? Will they be trying to pass legislation forcing churches to accept homosexual members? What will they be calling unfair next, indecent? Whose rights will the lesbian representative from California be attacking next because they speak the truth? Maybe your society, maybe your group.
Remember, a vote for Al Gore or Hillary Clinton is a vote against Jesus, a vote against Eternal Life. The choice for the human race in this upcoming election is Life or Death. What will you be choosing?

September 15, 2,000
Hussein Helping Gore

Demon in Baghdad trying to come to the aid of his partner in Washington. It is no accident that Saddam Hussein is using this moment to again make threats against Kuwait. His brother demon in The White House is having trouble getting his demon seed elected. He needs to look assertive and powerful in order to be supportive of his underling. And there is no greater way to be Presidential than to be involved in a war. So he is calling on his old buddy in Baghdad to stir things up to cause threats and look dangerous again to draw the American public's attention away from his failing underling who is losing ground because the people are beginning to seriously question his sudden change in attitude on many subjects.
The next two months could be the most dangerous for the world. Those such as Hussein always consider The United States weak during election periods. They consider it vulnerable. They do not understand that our military is not tied in to the political system as theirs is, and in times such as these can operate quite efficiently, even though there is considerable discourse in the country. A war right now would be very beneficial for Gore. It would rally a great deal of public support around him. The American people must quickly make him and, his master, understand that they will not allow the sacrifice of their sons and daughters as a political ploy to put Gore into power. It simply should not be tolerated!
And it must be remembered because The United States and The Kingdom Of God are at war all American military personnel around the world have no Angelic protection, as they have had in every other war except for The Confederate Forces in The Civil War who were controlled by creatures of darkness, not Angelic Forces. Without Angelic protection American forces are vulnerable to grievous harm, even fully equipped, fully led inferior forces could be able to inflict severe casualties on them, as they would have no Angelic protection to lead them from danger. Even the creatures of darkness have deserted them, as they have come to understand that the destruction of the human race means their extinction as well, and are supporting The Bearers Of Light in Their struggle against Clinton and his demon seed. Any involvement in military confrontation at this time could be overwhelmingly disastrous for American forces, more so than any other time in history.
Without Angelic protection and guidance, the United States would have lost World War Two. Could they win any conflict without it? It is possible, but the cost in large, would be so horrendous that it might be better if they had lost. It actually may come to the point that Angelic Forces are forced to attack American military personnel during combat in order to insure the defeat of their master in The White House. This would be the most tragic of circumstances that The Kingdom Of God would not want to happen. But they are Those that must do what is right and if Their people are involved in evil They have no choice but to act. It would be the first time in history that as a whole American military personnel would come under attack from the forces of Heaven.
How sad our world has become that this possibility could even exist, that the sons and daughters of The United States Of America are under threat from The Forces Of Heaven. How could a people become so depraved, so lost that such a situation is possible? Why have they turned from The Light and journeyed into The Darkness? What could be worth all this? For more details on what has been happening in the last two years go to;

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