August 17, 2,000
It's Official! Heaven For Bush!

Well, the Democrats have chosen. Gore is their man. Lieberman declared him a man of "vision and values". What values? Gore supports sodomy, indecency, and criminal activity, all of which his former leader committed. Sadly even Lieberman, his chosen running mate, is beginning to succumb to the promise of political power, and backing away from his faith for political expediency. Lord Peter has asked me as his only recognized representative on Earth in this time of crisis to officially declare, on behalf of The Kingdom Of God, that they put their full support behind the presidential bid of George Bush. Though They do not care for Mr. Bush's stand on abortion, and, some other issues, he is the far lesser of two evils and They will put all of Their support behind him.
On election day every voice in The Kingdom Of God will be whispering to the living "Vote Bush! Save your children, save the world." This is a time all must unite and see that Bush's lead over Gore grows until Bush wins by an overwhelming majority.
Somebody asked one of those silly questions that I suppose I have to answer. They said "Speaker Polley, if you so disagree with the current candidates for president, why don't YOU run?"
Well, there are many reasons for this, mainly because of our religious beliefs, my prison record, and, my disastrous military carreer I would be an unviable candidate. But most of all because I would always speak the truth, and I would probably be the most unpopular president in history! I would never allow any homosexuals or racists in The White House, no matter what position they hold in government. I would invite the president of Tiawan to The United States and recognize Tiawan as an independant nation and promise The United States' protection against the aggression of its barbaric communist neighbors. I would condemn the Russians' actions in Chechnya and demand that they remove their forces immediately. I would suspend all trade agreements that give other nations an unfair advantage over American workers. I would speak out against those nations that use their own citizens as slave labor to inflate the American economy and give the American people an inflated lifestyle. I would scrap the current mideast peace treaty gauranteeing that Israel never have to surrender a single inch of the territory it now holds to the people who have so long persecuted and murdered their people. I would use the presidential party not for the rich and the influential, but for those who have been downtrodden by The American political and judicial system.
In other words, I would always do what is right, and therefore, would be the most despised person ever to occupy The White House. Such a candidate as myself would never be elected, because I would not feed the public greed as Al Gore and Lieberman are doing to be elected. Their rallying cry of prosperity at any cost is destroying the Souls of 75% of The American people, and will lead to the destruction of mankind. I could never do such things. I could never sell my soul, therefore I would never be a viable presidential candidate.

August 18, 2,000
Lord Peter Apologizes To Russians

Democrats upset because Clinton still being investigated for Monica Lewinsky scandal. our only comment "Good!" If Clinton thinks that this is ever going to go away he better think again. We will make sure that the public remembers what he has done til his dying day, and if possible, expose any other of his evil.
One of the main reasons Lord Peter doesn't want Gore elected is that he is positive as soon as Gore is in office he will misuse the presidential pardon and pardon Clinton to lay the situation to rest, and end the discourse among the American people. This is something Lord Peter does not want to happen under any circumstances. He wants Clinton prosecuted, tried, convicted and imprisoned to show the world that American justice really works, even for the politically influential and the rich.
If the American public is tired of hearing about this, tired of hearing how evil their president is, then impeach him, convict him, and imprison him and it will come to an end. But until justice is done it will not.
On another note, while we are working to stop Gore and Hillary agents of The Kingdom Of God are doing other things in the world. Lord Peter sends his profound apologies to the families of the Russian sailors caught in the submarine beneath the ocean. It is not The Kingdom Of God's way to cause undo suffering. This was to be a quick and merciful death, the explosion his agent caused was supposed to destroy the submarine immediately, leaving no survivors. This long period of unnecessary agony for those who survived is totally unwarranted and undesired.
Lord Peter certainly hopes the Russians received the radio message sent moments after the explosion that this was a blow struck for the women and children of Chechnya who were murdered by Russian shells and bombs, and that there will be more strikes on their behalf, that the people of Chechnya will be avenged. For he does not want these brave men to have died in vain. Lord Peter hopes that in the future the actions of his agents will not cause undo suffering as They continue to battle for these downtrodden people.

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