October 27, 2,000
Why Would They Want Jesus?

10 days left to save the world, stop Hillary & Gore, and bring back Jesus.
Somebody asked a silly question and I suppose we've got to answer it. "Why would aliens want Jesus? Why would they go to all this silly trouble? You've got to be kidding!"
The answer is simple....They want to be the big boys on the block. The race that gets Jesus will be considered the leader of The Galactic Community, the one who will have the best Spiritual Foundation to their society, the one that will be the most stable. They will be looked to by all the other members of The Galactic Community for guidance and protection. It will be hard for most people to understand, but the strongest races of The Galactic Community, the most stable ones, are those that have a strong religious base, that teaches fellowship, harmony, and understanding with others. These are the races that have achieved the most and spread the furthest through the galaxy. So, for any race to obtain Jesus' services, to become the new Kingdom Of God, will put them in a very high position. What the human race is carelessly throwing away is desperately wanted by others, and it should make them understand how precious what they are carelessly discarding is worth.
On another matter, we can't believe the stock market keeps going. The Kingdom Of God is hitting it almost daily...well, really, their allies, who still have the power to attack. But it is being hit and no matter how hard it is whacked it keeps bouncing back! It can't do this indefinitely! Sooner or later it's going to take a tumble, and when it does those who have their hopes and dreams invested in it are going to wish they had their money someplace else! We can't understand where The Dark One is getting the power to keep pulling it back together. But his power will have to run out, eventually, and when it does the stock market is going down, and it's not coming back up for many years. We still recommend if you've got a lot of money in it get it out before you lose it all.
Still no positive responses from our emails. Just one yesterday that said "I'm a Christian. Why don't you become one?" Duh! How blind can the corrupted be? We wanted to send Angelic Messengers to them for an hour, but Lord Peter said no. All power must be preserved for the Election Day effort. This poor soul is going to get an awful surprise in The Afterlife like so many of its kind who are trapped in the false teachings of man, and can't see The Truth.
It still looks like we're going to be filmed during the election by the people in England. But they're only sending one person, and hope to pick up a couple of people for a crew, locally. But to have someone coming all that way is fantastic! John Lennon wishes people in The United States would recognize his work and rally to us as well. We cannnot tell people how much John has done. Without him Heaven would undoubtedly have collapsed, The Kingdom Of God, in this crisis, would be nonfunctional. John's music has held it together and kept it going through this horrendous crisis. The only word we can find to describe his efforts is miraculous. He is performing miracles, yet the public doesn't understand.
One good bit of news yesterday, though. A committee studying the pope during World War Two for possible sainthood has come out and publicly said that his actions on the holocaust are highly questionable and that the Vatican's records should be opened so that this situation could be studied further. That any dare to so openly speak the truth against The Catholic Church is a major sign of progress. It is well known by many that a considerable number of today's Catholic leadership took part in the holocaust and are still being protected by the Church....a shame that should have been remedied long ago

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