October 30, 2,000
Peter Endorses North Dakota

7 days left to stop Hillary & Gore and bring back Jesus, and Those in The Afterlife are beginning to feel that They just might be able to stop Gore with a very close effort, but They need more than a close effort. In order to reestablish even a minimal flow of energy back into The Kingdom Of God that would allow Them to restore normal basic services, and to save some of the Souls being lost because they rejected Jesus and supported Clinton, Bush needs to beat Gore with at least a 76% margin or better. It does not look too promising that we could reach such a level. If more of the public could be made aware of what is going on there is a possibility of accomplishing this, but not under the present circumstances.
Lord Peter (who is now ruling Heaven in Jesus' absence) did not want to take a hand in any local campaigns, but the Spirits in North Dakota have been working so hard with us, giving us so much of Their energy, that Lord Peter believes it is only fair to respect Their request and give his endorsement of the Republican candidates in that state. As his only recognized servant on Earth I do hereby declare that he officially endorses

John Hoeven for Governor

Jack Dalrymple for Lt. Governor

Duane Sand for U.S. Senate

John Dorso for U.S. House

and all other candidates for local office. Lord Peter does this because the current governor was a strong supporter of Clinton and Gore, and the Democratic candidate for governor also has strong ties to Clinton and Gore, which simply makes her unacceptable. We are not sure if Lord Peter will be making any other endorsements or not. It will strongly depend on how much Spirits in the other areas are able to give us assistance, rather or not They are able to stir any public interest in The Kingdom Of God's Cause.
On another matter, we have become aware that the Florida Today newspaper has endorsed Al Gore. We find this extremely unfortunate, and we strongly recommend to all members of their staff, that they make it known to the public that they oppose Gore if possible, for without doubt, they will be held accountable if Gore wins the election, or even if he doesn't win the election, and never, under any circumstances, would they be permitted into The Kingdom Of God. So if they consider themselves Christians, and want to ever see their Loved Ones again, they had better start making a public outcry rather quickly, and letting people know that their paper's endorsement is the endorsement of its owners, and not the rank and files. We strongly recommend this course of action for the staff of any other paper that has endorsed Gore. In The Kingdom Of God not speaking out can be just as bad as speaking out. Those who remain silent when others are doing wrong are often more condemned than those who do the wrong, themselves. The living do not consider this very fair, but it is the way things are.
We have heard that Mrs. Shriver, John Kennedy's sister, is gravely ill. We certainly hope she does not die before the election, for she is a very nice lady, but when she finds out what is going on in The Afterlife, and how much her family is blamed for it, it will destroy her. We also certainly hope she doesn't die after the election if Gore wins. But if she can hold out and Bush wins, she might have a fighting chance. So let's all pray!
We have learned that Jesse Jackson is stomping through Florida, encouraging members of his race to support the Democratic ticket, to vote for Gore. How sad it is that this man who once had such a potential for greatness has sold his soul for political power, and now supports those who cheat and lie and steal because he believes they will do more for his people than those who are honest and sincere. How sad it is that this man who dares to call himself a reverend leads so many of his brothers and sisters to Eternal Death. He will be so shocked when he approaches The Gates Of Heaven and his people greet him, and say "Who are you? We do not know you. You are not one of us. You have betrayed and destroyed millions of us. There is no place for you here. Be gone! You cannot enter in." How shocked this poor soul will be when he finds that truth and honesty matter, that political intrigue isn't everything, and righteousness matters. How sad for him it will be, indeed!
We continue our emailing efforts. We have been concentrating on Florida and Tennessee, and hope to get in Michigan in the next couple of days. We do not know how long we will continue, as of course, in a few days it will be impossible to make the news available to the public. We are rapidly running out of time.

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