October 12, 2,000
Last Betrayers Perish

Well, 25 days left to save the world. Unfortunately those who started this whole mess can't be saved...not any more. Sadly I must inform the world that the last of those souls that first betrayed Jesus back in November of 1998 have finally suffered The Second Death. Nearly a million individuals gone! The strange concentration like camp they had created for themselves collapsed, and quickly dissolved. The trigger for their final demise seemed to be the outbreak of the violence in Israel. This final despair pushed them over the edge. There are very few left, also, from the second betrayal in March, 1999. Only 11 of them still struggle to maintain their existence, and it is believed that none of them will last more than a few days. Most of them are simply curled up out in The Darkness all by themselves muttering over and over again "The Pope knows what is best. The Pope knows what is best," and growing steadily weaker. The experts in The Spirit Realm believe that this is occurring because The Dark One is apparently losing his power. People are beginning to realize far too late, that his peace efforts are a dismal failure, and were meant to accomplish absolutely nothing.
It seems rather strange to the people in The Spirit Realm that The Palestinians and the other Arabs don't realize that something is wrong. They shoot at Israelis but never seem to hit them. But when the Israelis shoot they hit them! I'm sure all of The Palestinians aren't that bad a shots. Come on, people! Think! There's Powers beyond your control at work here, far beyond your control.
I've been asked to explain exactly what will happen if Gore & Hillary win the election, where could Jesus go, what could He do? That will be answered in tomorrow's email.
As The Kingdom Of God struggles with the fact that 50% of the people in the United States still support open and unquestioned evil and are still willing to vote for Gore, knowing what he is, Those in The Afterlife continue to offer Themselves to provide the power necessary to continue the battle. Virtually Al Gore's entire lineage offers to sacrifice Themselves, to give up Their Eternal Existence. All of his wife's family, all of Lieberman's family offer to feed Their energy back into The Kingdom Of God. But here is what proves that this is an international situation, that everyone in The Spirit Realm knows how desperate is this hour. The entire Royal Family of Saudi Arabia have come to Lord Peter and offered to sacrifice Themselves, to give up Their Eternal Existence, to feed Themselves back into The Kingdom Of God. Lord Peter still steadfastly refuses any such offers, and forbids people to do this any more, saying that the sacrifice is too much. If many more people give up Their Eternal Existence, there might not be enough left to keep The Kingdom Of God going.
But it is so incredible that people all the way across the World in The Afterlife recognize the wrong their people are doing, and are willing to give up Eternal Life to save The Kingdom Of God, yet the living are blind to the evil around them, continue to follow those that will give them only Eternal Night, Eternal Sorrow. How, how can we make the living understand what their Loved Ones are sacrificing, what They are giving up for them? So many say "Oh, this doesn't matter. It's just an election. One politician is just as bad as another. None of them are any good." How wrong, how terribly wrong they are!

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