November 15, 2,000
Mormon Joy Grows

Mormons going full tilt to make Joseph Smith's elevation a grand occasion! This is what they've planned so far... To begin the festivities Joseph Smith will emerge from Jesus' residence at the far end of The Circle Of The Apostles. He will begin to walk down the walkway in the middle of the park towards The Grand Promade and The Holy Of Holies. As he does so, thousands of Mormons will begin to come into the streets on both sides singing the new song that John Lennon has written especially for the occasion called "On To The Prophet!" They will sing this until Joseph reaches The Grand Promenade where he will be greeted by Lord Peter, who will raise his hands for silence. Jesus will appear by The Holy Of Holies and Peter will cry out
"Lord! Lord! Our numbers are too few to do your Great Work. Paul, our beloved, has sacrificed himself to bring your Glory back to us. And Thomas, our abiding strength, has gone to the stars to fulfill the promise you have made to our new brothers and sisters in the heavens. There are too few of us to carry on Your Great Work. Another must be chosen to replace those who are lost. This one, oh Lord, Joseph Smith, Prophet of those we call The Mormons, has been chosen to be elevated, to stand with us, and to be one of The Twelve Chosen. Do you, oh Lord, find him acceptable? May he be given The Sacred Knowledge known only to your Apostles, known only to your Chosen Few?"
At this point Jesus will answer, crying, "Yes! This one and his people have proven themselves, have proven their loyalty. Let him be brought forth. Let him come into The Holy Of Holies. Let him become one with me. But before he enters in, is there any words he would like to say? Any message he would give to the people?"
Peter will then turn to Joseph Smith and ask "What words would you say?" and Joseph Smith will answer "I, myself, do not wish to speak, but I call upon him who has, in these dark hours, kept our strength and our Spirit, to express my feelings with his music and his words. I call upon the one who should be standing here beside me to tell all how I feel."
He will then point to John Lennon, who will sing the song "We Will Stand Together," at the conclusion of which Jesus will cry out "You have spoken well. You have spoken well, indeed. Come! Come now into The Holy Of Holies. Be one with me, and, be one with God."
The rest of The Apostles will march up and join Jesus at The Holy Of Holies as Peter and Joseph come down to Its entrance, and together The Twelve will enter into The Holy Of Holies.
That's all we've got right now. That's as far as They have prepared. But They're working on it! We'll let you know what They come up with to finish this Grand Occassion. Here is the new song John Lennon wrote for Joseph Smith.

By; John Lennon
Channeled Through; Linda J. Polley
All rights reserved.

1. On to Zion! On to Zion!
On to Zion! On to Zion!
On to Zion!

2. To The Prophet! To The Prophet!
On to Zion!
On to Zion!

3. Across the water! Through the wilderness!
To the Prophet!
On to Zion!

4. On to Zion! On to Zion!
To the Prophet! To forever!
On to Zion!

5. On to Zion! On to Zion!
Others failed Him! We stood by Him!
On to Zion!
On to Zion!

6. On to Zion! On to Zion!
To the Prophet! Now the Apostle!
On to Zion!
On to Zion!

7. On to Zion! On to Zion!
On to the Apostle!
On to forever!
On to forever!
On to Zion!
On, on, on, on, on!
On to Zion!

There has been one major change in the planned festivities. The Mormon people sent a delegation to Peter asking that the festivities not begin at midnight, Jerusalem time, Christmas Eve, but they begin at Midnight, Salt Lake City time, as Salt Lake City is the throne of The Prophet's power and should be the place where his elevation is first celebrated. Peter thought for barely a moment, then agreed. "What you have said is true!" he answered, "This place IS the seat of his power and his glory. So be it! I am sure The Lord will approve and bless. Let it be so." Delighted, the delegation returned with the glorious news for Their people.
There is only one sadness among The Mormons in The Afterlife, that their living brothers and sisters have not responded to our messages. The Prophet is also upset about this, moreso than his followers. "My people understand far more than others," he said, "how God sends forth His Voices and His Angelic Messengers to bear witness to Them. That They reject the news that The Angels bring, deeply saddens me, deeply saddens me, indeed."

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