November 21, 2,000
Remember It!

Kingdom Of God gets one on Its Doomed List. No matter how mighty you are, no matter how influential, no matter how powerful, eventually The Dark Power protecting you runs out and your time comes.
Charles Ruff may have been praised by those in Washington for his legal skills in getting them out of difficulties, his ability to convince people that an absolute liar was really an honorable man, served him well at Clinton's impeachment trial, but in The Afterlife where all truth is known, the lies and deceit that he carried from all those hard won cases was too much. Friends tried to comfort him, tried to make him understand what was going on, but the thousands of angry Souls that surrounded him crying "You kept us out of Heaven!" were too much for him. He ran off into The Darkness surrounding The Spirit Realm, and quickly suffered The Second Death.
Of all the professions I would not want to be, I would not want to be a lawyer that specializes in protecting guilty senators, representatives, and presidents. When you finally must face The Truth, it's too much. You can't lie forever. Eventually it catches up to you.
It is unfortunate there is so little energy in The Spirit Realm. Again this is a case where if the energy flow was normal this Soul, in all probability, could have been saved. But his very support of Clinton destroyed the power that could have saved him. As the old expression goes, one creates his own fate.
Speaking of The Doomed List, we wonder if anything has happened to any other people on it that we haven't heard about. We know Senator Kennedy's relatives are taking a beating. But what's happening to the other people on it? Check it out! The link is below. If you've heard of anything happening to anybody on it, let us know. We'll check it out, and maybe let others know how The Kingdom Of God is doing dispensing justice.

**This issue is no longer online. It will be replaced soon at a new location.***

Joseph Smith just happened to mention something the other day that took even me by surprise! He said he has, on average, had a lifetime every 200 years for the last 1500 years. That works out to about 75 lifetimes. No wonder he is such a highly evolved Soul! This is way above average. Most Souls go 1,000 years at least, between lifetimes. A Soul that keeps journeying on such a steady level has to be extremely evolved, and, extremely stable. The marvels of The Afterlife impress even me sometimes, even when I'm well aware of it. A Soul that is so driven to keep its peoples' heritage alive, and to keep his loved ones on the right track is praiseworthy, indeed! To spend so much time and effort, to suffer so much for what one loves is a sign of true and abiding love. Mr. Smith is a worthy Soul, indeed for the honor that he is receiving.
In all the confusion going on lately we completely forgot about John Lennon's song that got lost in the shuffle! As people love them so much, we thought we'd better send this one out, too. Speaking of John, he thought the special about The Beatles on ABC last Friday night was passable, as far as Beatles things go. It did actually help him remember a few things, for a few minutes, but then they faded again. The only thing that will probably bring his memories back in good stead, is when he has a chance to spend some time with those that he made them with. That will help reimprint them in his consciousness. But he doesn't want to be reacquainted with his old associates for some time yet. He wants them to have good, long, happy lives...everything that he was denied. He keeps having this silly idea of having the old group get back together, his son Julian, take his place, and have them sing his new songs. He knows it's absolutely impossible, but isn't it a wonderful dream? John simply cannot believe how popular their music still is! "I guess it was better than I thought it was!" he remarked. I'd say he's right, wouldn't you?
Here is the song.

By; John Lennon
Channeled Through; Linda J. Polley
All Rights Reserved.

Remember it! Remember it! Then you really will come through!
Remember it! Remember it! Belief helps your dreams come true.
Remember it! Remember it! Keep the faith in what you do.
Remember it! Remember it! And your faith will get you through.

1. When the Darkness seems to triumph and the Light is fading dim,
When you think there's no tomorrow, and that the evil ones will win,
Then you remember back to Bible times when things were getting rough,
People listened to God's Angels then They stood up and cried "Enough!"

2. When you're living life from day to day working hardest on your job
And wondering if it's worth it, life just seems to be so hard.
Just recall a man named Joshua how his forces met a wall.
Remember good ol' Joshua and how barriers can fall!

3. When the world it seems so gloomy, like there's no relief in sight,
You think you'll never get ahead, though you try with all your might,
think back into the good old days when things were rather hard,
The world was saved from demons by none other than The Son Of God!

4. When evil seems to triumph and things really start getting dark,
Remember the Apostles and all of their miraculous work.
They fought against amazing odds and then managed to get things done,
Their faith in God and in themselves helped the battle to be won.

5. Though everyone seems hateful and it looks like no one wants to care,
You're looking for a friendly face but there's just no one else out there.
Keep up your strength and courage though the people they will talk
Remember the man named Peter, the one that Jesus called The Rock!

(Repeat Chorus To End)

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