November 22, 2,000
No Thanksgiving

Florida Supreme Court decision outrages The Kingdom Of God. Justices know Democrats are cheating in the counts, that the system is flawed, but they support Gore for President and are closing their eyes to all the lying and cheating. Do not think that any one of them will ever enter into The Kingdom Of God, because they will not.
We must warn the public again that The Kingdom Of God will never recognize Al Gore as President. That the war between It and The United States will continue, unabated, until the next elections, even if Gore and Lieberman were to resign. The stealing of Their victory will not be tolerated!
Bush won by a nearly 10% majority, and had five more states that would have given him the electoral college without question. The Democratic vote fraud was overcome by The Kingdom Of God. But Gore and his machine still try to steal the election.
Because of The Supreme Court's decision all Thanksgiving celebrations in The Kingdom Of God have been canceled, and sadly it has been announced that if Gore steals the Presidency the ceremonies honoring Joseph Smith's elevation to Apostleship on Christmas Eve will have to be canceled. Joseph will still be elevated, but in a private, secret ceremony. Because if Gore is President Jesus cannot take part in the festivities, can only perform His duties in The Holy Of Holies, and would not be able to take part in the joy, and without Jesus there could be no celebrations.
A few ignorant men and women who can't go by the law but have to bend the rules for cheaters and perverts to be politically correct mess everything up for everyone in the world. The Kingdom Of God is still fighting, They're still trying to expose the Democratic machine's cheating and lying. They're doing Their best, but They need the help of the living. They need hundreds of thousands of people going to the streets across this country saying "Enough is enough! We won't tolerate any more of this lying, any more of this cheating. Gore, concede! Give us our President and get out of public life!" This should have been happening days ago, weeks ago. But The American People just don't care any more. They will put up with evil forever, and destroy themselves and everyone they love. When, when will they wake up?

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