November 24, 2,000
Dimples & Chads

The letter below is the one we have been emailing to Florida newspapers Thursday, and, to Texas newspapers today. We wanted to mail it to the members of the Florida Legislature and, to the Governor, so they would know the real importance of what they were fighting for. But would you believe it, their web site and emails are down because at this critical point in history they're moving their service, or something! So we can't get through to any of them. If anyone out there would be so kind as to fax this message to the governor of Florida, and, any Florida legislators they could reach we would appreciate it. We really want them to know the importance of what is going on, and that The Kingdom Of God supports them in their efforts to bring a just conclusion to this political campaign.
Do you really want peace in The Middle East? The current treaty will not work. There is a plan that will work because it is supported by Those who can make it work; The Leaders Of Heaven. They are anxious to present this plan and have it implimented, but there's a slight problem. There is only one man that it can be given to, who can make it work because he will have the full backing of Those in Heaven for whom Peace in that area will mean the most. That is George W. Bush. He is now the focal point of all the world's hopes. That is why The Dark Forces here fight so hard to keep him from becoming President, use every dirty trick to make Gore President. This absolutely MUST NOT HAPPEN! There is a hope that mankind can be saved; that is Bush. Those in Heaven know he has a few faults, but now he is the best hope for mankind. Tell Bush Heaven supports him, and calls upon him to be Their man of Peace. Help him take what is rightfully his. If you do there is hope.
John Lennon is trying to keep the morale in The Kingdom Of God up. He has written another song that even in this tragic situation is making everybody laugh. It is below. We hope it gives you as many giggles as it gave us. The battle continues. Gore won't give up. He still thinks his party's cheating is going to give him victory. If it does there'll be hell to pay, literally!

(Dimples & Chads)
By: John Lennon
Channeled Through; Linda J. Polley
All rights reserved.


Dimples and chads, dimples and chads,
did you ever get the feeling
that someone's being had?
No one dares to say it,
But everyone is sure,
We don't want to hear
about the election any more!
We want to select a President Elect!
Will it be Bush or, is it Gore?

1. People keep on counting votes
til their hands are black and blue,
Will they really matter?
The Supreme Court says they do.
Five o'clock on Sunday
November 26,
Then voting will be over.
So get the numbers down real quick!

(Repeat Chorus)

2. The decision that really wasn't,
gave time for more cheating to be done.
What the people waited for
was a fair and final outcome.
What is America's future?
Will it be down the proper path?
It's a shame our country's destiny
depends on a lot of fuzzy math!

(Repeat Chorus To End)

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