November 27, 2,000
Saluting Maine

Well, Florida has finally declared for Bush, which should have been done the day after the election. Gore continues his campaign to steal the election by demanding recounts only in the districts where he thinks he will pick up extra votes, which is totally unfair. If there were to be a recount in Florida it would have to be statewide, which would undoubtedly give Bush an even greater victory margin. Gore's people are playing a dangerous game. The Kingdom Of God defeated them, yet they still think they have the votes through their fraud to win, and are still trying to confirm this. The longer they contest, the longer they fight, the greater opportunity The Kingdom Of God will have to expose their fraud. Gore is beaten. It is time for him to withdraw before his party is totally and completely humiliated. It's over! You're beaten. You chose to stand with the liars and the cheats. You chose to say "My president did nothing, he's a totally innocent man. The Republicans are persecuting him for nothing. You chose to deny the truth, Al Gore. Now it's come back to haunt you. Now the truth has beaten you. Concede. Let the country go on.
It's time for Democrats to start calling their senators and representatives and start saying "Gore's cheating and lying has embarrassed us enough. It's time to end this. Give us some dignity. Stop making us the laughing stock of the nation, and the world. End this thing with honor."
Having to spend so much time on the presidential election we have not been able to comment on some of the other things that happened election day. Lord Peter was especially delighted that the people in Maine again beat back the so-called gay rights law and made a stand for right and decency. He had me, as his representative, send the letter below to many newspapers in Maine.

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Though we are going through a political campaign full of deception and fraud as the Democrats try to steal the election, I am proud as a dislocated Mainer, far from home, and, a representative of The Kingdom Of God, to send Their thanks and congratulations to the people of Maine for again beating back the so-called gay rights law, and making a clear and strong statement to those who would pervert our children and lead them into mental illness. Those who carried on this courageous campaign did so without Angelic support, as all effort from The Kingdom Of God was put into beating Gore, and They succeeded. So The Kingdom Of God salutes this horrendous effort, and sends Their good will to all that took part in it. May you be blessed, and may your children be blessed, and may your children continue to be straight.

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We also posted the letter on a forum site at the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine. It's an easy forum to use. It has a very simple registration form. Come and join the discussion! Let your listeners know about it. The best part of forums is the exchange of opinions and we hope, a few compliments. Of course there's bound to be a few obnoxious replies. but they are only a fact of life. Come take part! You will be welcome.

***This material no longer available online.***

If you know of a particular vote that took place in your area during the election that you think The Kingdom Of God should comment on, let us know about it so we can check into it. Where communications are so poor with the material world right now, it is easy for things to get passed over. And Those in The Afterlife want Their loved ones to know that even in these dark hours They still care about them, and still share many of their hopes and dreams.

FOOTNOTE: Well, we finally got another computer. It's used, and cost us nearly $850.00, but it's got ten times the power of our old one, and a 56K modem that makes doing our work a lot easier. And we've got direct mail again. Praise the Lords! It's probably going to take us five to six months to pay it off, if the weather stays moderate, and our heating bills don't get too big. The new computer has a dvd player and we rented Chicken Run this weekend, and had a few minutes of enjoyment. Now we can see what everyone else was raving about!

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